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I saw the status damage mod for pistol & shotgun comes with reload & magazine as a secondary trait. Can we change these bonuses to something different and move reload & magazine to exilus? They are mostly QoL not dps

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The more mods with Magazine size and Reload speed are released, the deeper we dig the hold for moving them to exilus. I am referencing the new status duration mods for pistol and shotgun.

These stats have a negligible effect on damage output and are more for the feel of the weapon and not having to reload as often. Their influence on damage is on par or lesser than some other exilus mods. If you want more detailed arguments, you can read this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1398288-de-reload-speed-and-magazine-size-should-be-exilus-mods-they-do-not-increase-dps-in-any-relevant-manner-see-arguments-below/

The shotgun radiation mod can stay as it is since it is old and established in people's builds, but before that happens with those new pistol and shotgun mods, can we just change them real quick?

  • Change the pistol one to +90% status damage, +40% critical chance
  • Change the shotgun one to +90% status damage, +40% multishot (or +50% status duration)
  • Move the +Magazine size, +Reload speed, and Depleted reload to the exilus slot where people would actually consider using them because right now their worth in a regular mod slot is so negligible that they almost never get used on any non-meme build or a specific handful of weapons that might feel much nicer with them.


PS. Remove 2 shot limit per taregt from tenet diplos lockon mode. Just fire till magazine ends as long as trigger is held

Edited by Redrigoth
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  • Redrigoth changed the title to I saw the status damage mod for pistol & shotgun comes with reload & magazine as a secondary trait. Can we change these bonuses to something different and move reload & magazine to exilus? They are mostly QoL not dps

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