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I'm not sure, if this is the right spot. But I want to vent a tiny bit.

I genuinely loved the quest. It was really short and I didn't really like the re-use of the Juggernaut thing, but I guess it was fair. But apart from that, the quest hit me right in the feels. 

I lost someone very important to me to pregnancy and it just hit close to home. I cried at the mini game although I wish there had been more substance to the situation. It was all way too sudden.

Also, I had kinda hoped that she would turn out to be his mother or a friend instead of a love, but I guess it was just my hope. I was hoping for a mother coming to protect her child (Sorren). The trope of the pregnant wife that needs to be protected is kinda over used and I can live without ever having to see it again. But I don't know the backstory of these two, so who knows?

Then the quest ended and I have so many questions and hope DE will answer them. 

That's what I think about the quest. All in all, I'm happy. I loved it. Short and sweet.


But what actually made me really sad and made me come here, was the reaction of some parts of the community. 

Not liking the quest is very fair. It felt a bit rushed and it was odd. Not everyone's cup of tea. Absolutely fair.


In my very own group, men, which I usually respected, were instantly making fun of the quest in such a off-putting and bad way. I heard more insults today against women, especially pregnant ones, than in years. I heard insults I could have never even thought of. I didn't know such awful insults even existed. And they threw these insults around, like it's absolutely normal.

I even saw people demanding/hoping that DE changes her, bc "pregnancy is f***ing disgusting" (quote).

I know my reaction to this is very sensitive, but as I mentioned, it hit very close to home. 

And there are people yelling at the top of their lungs that pregnant women/people are disgusting just because they had to play a 'weird' quest?

Yeah, a pregnant Warframe is weird. And the baby especially was weird. 

But is it really necessary to instantly go and insult sth so many real people have to deal with and also suffer from?

Is this world really this cruel?

I'm gonna play Jade now and love her. But I genuinely feel pain reading all these cruel things.

At least the women I know are safe. They enjoyed the quest as well. Apart from the "oh, look. Another woman just here to be prego and die".


But please... tell me, those guys throwing these insults around are 'just" a loud minority.


Sry for the bad english.


Edit; After rethinking, I'm really starting to accept the trope after all. 

My headcanon is that Sorren betrayed Jade to the Orokin, hence how they found out about the pregnancy. 

Maybe he told his masters in the hopes they would make an exception, or sth. Or maybe lessen the punishment. He was very loyal to them, after all. Even during the fall, he was still wearing the Armor piece he received as a sign of Honor. He was still loyal to his orokin masters, despite what happened to Jade. He didn't know what kind of punishment she received. He didn't recognise her.

In any case, Jade received one of the worst punishments imaginable and despite everything, she remembered him. She protected him and not the other way around. 

And in the end, he was indebted to her, tried to help her and became a protector himself. To keep the last thing she has left behind, safe.

Edited by (PSN)UmbralHalo
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I hope DE makes an alternative model without pregnancy. Not because pregnancy is disgusting, but because it doesn't make sense. 

It doesn't make sense, that you have a blueprint of something, that is about to give birth to a baby, and you have the means to copy-paste it. 

It doesn't make sense that you, the Operator, would transference into a warframe that carries a baby, and then drag it into a battlefield with explosions, blood and action. 

I feel like I'm violating Jade's body when I use transference on her. 

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1 hour ago, LeonardBlyx said:

I hope DE makes an alternative model without pregnancy. Not because pregnancy is disgusting, but because it doesn't make sense. 

It doesn't make sense, that you have a blueprint of something, that is about to give birth to a baby, and you have the means to copy-paste it. 

It doesn't make sense that you, the Operator, would transference into a warframe that carries a baby, and then drag it into a battlefield with explosions, blood and action. 

I feel like I'm violating Jade's body when I use transference on her. 


I didn't noticed that..... I was so hype for finally getting a new support warframe that looked cool.

Ability 4 was kinda a turn off with the dps focused aspect, but now the warframe is pregnant?!

We play games to escape real life, It will never be my fantasy to be pregnant.

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I agree, i have seen some truly disgusting things today, people hating the warframe and the model just because she is pregnant, or the pregnant women dies trope, people trash-talking the devs and the update because they do not like that she is pregnant, even people saying some truly nauseating things about woman and pregnancy in general.

I don't see a problem with this trope, and the way they did the Jades character, not every woman has to be this immortal invincible, indestructible badass who immediately blasts through a story, not every woman has to be a strong, untouchable figure who nobody can lay a finger on because shes just out of their reach.

Honestly,  i like to see it as Jade being portrayed as a strong determined woman, who protected her lover when he was in danger, and then as a strong and determined mother who refused to give up until her child was ready to be born. She has been wasting away for centuries, her body slowly being drained of all strength until she cant even walk anymore or stand up, and still despite that torment she refused to die until her baby was born. Once her baby was born, safely in the arms of his father, she gave him one last goodbye, and then passed on.

And while i also agree that it makes no sense for her to still be pregnant after we craft her to use as a frame, with so many people complaining about it, hopefully, DE will change that and give us the option not to have her pregnant.

But at the same time, it does kinda make sense that she still looks pregnant, Jade was with child when she was turned into a warframe, so her warframe body grew and developed around that pregnancy, so even if shes is no longer with child, her body still looks like it is, because she was with child when she was turned.

Edited by EnderReaper23
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It's a bad trope and it is literally meaningless in the multitude of existence wide crisis going on.  The quest also failed to address meaningful Stalker background which is what I expected some surface scratching, or even why Stalker still works with Hunhow.  Only takeaway from this is they're now hammering the Orokin were totally corrupt and that Hunhow is actually a caring dad guy.

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it did address Stalker's story tho. He was a low-class guardian, AKA a low-class grunt/soldier/assassin/swiss army knife, you can easily infer this from the name of the class alone "low-class guardian", someone who is used to guard and defend places of little to no importance, but who is important enough to be bound by oaths of fielty. It's also possible one of these oaths was an oath of celibacy, forbidding guardians from having children or wives, to not distract them from their duties protecting the orokin's valuable treasures.

This is why Stalker was so worried when Jade told him she was pregnant, he knew it was forbidden and that if discovered, the Orokin would punish him and his family very harshly (which I believe they did find out and did punish all 3 of them).

After the Orokin found out about jades pregnancy, they punished Stalker by brainwashing him into a weapon for them to wield with no personal attachment to anyone or anything, forcing him to forget his family, It is why he was so confused by his love and care for jade and why she saved him. and then they punished Jade in a way that would also benefit them, by infecting her with helminth, they could study and experiment on a warframe that was pregnant before being turned, possible to see the effects on the child.

Possibly to see if a born warframe was stronger than a turned one, and to see if its 100% immune to the infestation (including the psychic damage the infestation caused to the turned warframes) so that they could cut out the tenno completely from the equation and take full control of the frames themselves, weapons that are completely immune to the infestation, and instrumental against the sentient, without even needing the tenno, simply using ingrained transference bolts, or even brainwashing them into mindless puppets.

Maybe they even intended to use the warframes as their future perfect divine bodies, wielding the power of the frames, combined with their immortal minds and bodies, in a practically unkillable weapon for war, truly making the Orokin invincible.


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Posted (edited)
vor 18 Stunden schrieb RasserG:

We play games to escape real life, It will never be my fantasy to be pregnant.

Don't forget that the game also has female players tho. And some of them happen to be pregnant even in this very moment. They are living this fantasy. 


We have Grendel. Being overweight isn't my fantasy either. But he's still there and it's good that he's there. 


It was just a matter of time until we got a female frame that isn't just "hips, assets and boobs. Another reason why I welcome Jade. She's a breath of fresh air.

Edited by (PSN)UmbralHalo
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vor 20 Stunden schrieb LeonardBlyx:

I hope DE makes an alternative model without pregnancy. Not because pregnancy is disgusting, but because it doesn't make sense. 

It doesn't make sense, that you have a blueprint of something, that is about to give birth to a baby, and you have the means to copy-paste it. 

It doesn't make sense that you, the Operator, would transference into a warframe that carries a baby, and then drag it into a battlefield with explosions, blood and action. 

I feel like I'm violating Jade's body when I use transference on her. 

I don't see her belly as a baby tho. She was pregnant and even after birth, the body doesn't just instantly change back.

It makes sense for her to still have the belly.

And when looking at her, it's just a ball of energy we see. No baby or anything of the sorts. 

I believe no matter what, the blueprint would still carry over the belly but it just happens to store a lot of energy now instead of a bebe. The space left behind is now used for something different.

Maybe to store a leftover essence it left behind. 

An Aura.

The reason we have two Aura slots. 

I dunno. 

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3 hours ago, (PSN)UmbralHalo said:

I don't see her belly as a baby tho. She was pregnant and even after birth, the body doesn't just instantly change back.

It makes sense for her to still have the belly.

And when looking at her, it's just a ball of energy we see. No baby or anything of the sorts. 

I believe no matter what, the blueprint would still carry over the belly but it just happens to store a lot of energy now instead of a bebe. The space left behind is now used for something different.

Maybe to store a leftover essence it left behind. 

An Aura.

The reason we have two Aura slots. 

I dunno. 

Good for you to be able to imagine it is not a baby. For me, it is not possible. I saw Jade's model clearly during the quest and the cutscene. She had the same ball and same belly, before giving birth to the baby. She held her belly like a mother caring for her baby during the cutscene. So for me, that ball of light is the baby. 

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