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Enemies instantly die when hit with a blast proc in Zephyr's Tornados

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There seems to be an interaction between blast procs and tornados that cause millions of damage even when using an unmodded weapon. This only happens when targeting the suspended enemies, not the tornados themselves 

Edited by The-Fist
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The reason it happens when shooting enemies but not tornadoes is because tornadoes are currently bugged to not pass status effects to enemies. 
As for why blast shreds enemies in tornadoes, I assume it's for much the same reason gas procs can also shred enemies in tornadoes, except much more volatile. After the first enemy explodes, the explosion hits all the surrounding enemies, and all the surrounding tornadoes, adding that damage to the explosion the other enemies will do when they explode, and that chain of explosions happens very rapidly, resulting in every enemy being vaporized.

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I am pretty sure the blast proc, when applied to the tornado once enemies hit 10 stacks, scales with crit. That's why you see millions of damage, I'm experiencing the same.

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