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Jade and her new weapons

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So having never been as excited for a frame since Wisp and wanting to support the devs, I purchased Jade support pack. And then spent plat to get the weapon bundle after seeing posts on how insane the grind is. While I have not tested the frame due to me hating the design of her after doing the quest and learning what her glowy belly is, I'm just curious on why are all 3 weapons lackluster? I get they all have special little effects which yes that's nice, however it's Warframe. Killing is the whole point. Why give out 50 buffs on my loadout when I could just play X Y or Z frame and delete the tileset? Evensong is a bow that seems to perform worse then dread, kuva brahma, mutalist cernos, cinta, the fu***** nataruk we get for free by doing a quest that's required to do before we do this new quest. Getting only 75% crit chance with a maxed critical delay on a single target slow bow is not ok. Cantare are way worse stat wise then spira prime and the recall mechanic feels very clunky and just straight up doesn't work in some tilesets or open worlds. Harmony doesn't seem to bad however still under performs compared to reaper prime and hate. I am also aware these weapons are more "status" based but I don't believe that works on a slow bow and weak throwing knives with a mechanic that's almost impossible to use. To even do this quest we are required to do the new war, which means dozens and dozens of hours put into Warframe if not hundreds for some to reach that point. So by the time I can access these weapons I'd never use them cause I have infinity better choices. With as game breaking and over powered as kuva, tenet, and especially incarnons are, I just don't see why we continue to have new stuff with meh stats. I'm glad to see them trying to make non generic stuff with neat gimmicks, however the stats still need to be there. 

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Harmony being lackluster? You sure? Its passive is a godsend. A full status build with no crit mods can proc for days to build up CO, regularly get six digits with quick melee, and even hit up to 13 mil with one heavy attack. That's on par with Kullervo's 1. 

That said, I do share the same sentiments with the Evensong, Cantare, and even Jade herself - a lot more left to be desired.

Edited by ZiIIion
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In all honesty i absolutely love the cantare. A ehile back i talked about a weapon idea i had that are almost identical to them. They make me happy with how they functions and do massive amounts of dmg. I throw them and whoever is in the way just get mutilated by them. The only thing i have issues with is the fact that very rarely they do no dmg on return due to the punch threw they posses. But I'm sure DE will fix that. Also i don't mind playing OP angel who is well ya know. I kinda like the idea that she is the one to show this is possible so like what if this leads to the ability to possibly breed them in thr future for hybrids. The only thing i dont like about jade is that her 1st doesn't last very long or isn't like wisp with a perm aura that you move and also jade surprisingly is both tanky but somehow squishy. Jade needs a major fix for ability durations on the first because the aura disappears so fast even after applying insane amounts of durability 

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Not just the weapons, her abilities don’t really do much either. Sadly, she has definitely been pre-nerfed. But after what happened with Dante, I'm not surprised. They even built in line of sight, which no one really likes as a whole anyway. 

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The duration of the ensemble should be lengthened or changed so that when all three weapons are equipped at the same time, as long as one of them triggers a characteristic, it will cause the other two weapons to resonate.  

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