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Status type rework damage resistance needs a boost

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It makes no sense for enemies to take half damage from one damage type and 1.5x damage from another. Either make all the damage types deal 75% damage versus resistant enemies or make all the damage types deal 2x damage against enemies that are weak to that particular status type. Making the enemies take half damage is just making the game more tedious at high levels, since you always have to swap builds and cannot build for status type combos that are decent against any enemy type (ex. viral + radiation will still be weak against some enemies, cannot always deal neutral damage). I’m glad some of the less useful status types are getting some love, but the numbers need some touching up, as right now the system is very punishing instead of being balanced and engaging.

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i think they were going for less neutral overall damage type builds.  in this. yeah radiation viral got severaly nerfed that seemed intentional.

you are supposed to swap builds for each faction instead of single build for every faction and enemy type

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I get building for each enemy type, but actively punishing us as much as they are for each enemy type is just aggravating and tedious. It would be much more engaging and interesting to just have it be more of a bonus if you mod correctly and a mild debuff if you don’t mod correctly, instead of half damage, that way you can get more damage if you want it but any kit won’t be horrific, just might not do quite as well in certain scenarios. It currently just feels like they want to demand we constantly swap mods, when it should be more optional, providing less punishment for not engaging with it and more reward for choosing to engage with it

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