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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Exciting but lacking

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I'll keep it short and simple, amazing theme for the quest, loved what it did have.

Where it's lacking though, the cutscenes about the origins of Sorren and Jade were very short, like 10 seconds short and until she said he was gonna be a father, which btw was another 10 second cutscene, I thought she was his sister at first, there was a fair bit up to interpretation for most of it, and what everyone wanted out of a quest that includes the stalker was some proper background info about the stalker which we didn't get. His name is Sorren and he's a father, that's it. Doesn't delve into his grudge, doesn't even explain who Jade was before she was a warframe, just someone who was pregnant.

And someone I was in a mindnumbingly depressing and frustrating 50th repeat of ascension with just now to get new stuff and motes said it really well, all the dialogue OUTSIDE of the quest between Ordis and Parvos Granum tells us about as much if not more than the entire length of the quest did.

Very exciting stuff, very exciting themes. I don't think it's crazy that the warframe is pregnant, I think it's a perfect way to open up to a future quest where we meet up with the child warframe and it gets us involved in all kinds of shenanigans. But we needed more lore and backstory.

Edited by BrendanatorX
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