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Thoughts on Jade

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The first and most glaring thing in my opinion is the audio that plays when you use her 4, not only is it a really short loop but it is really really loud. It either needs to be turned way WAY down or outright removed. While I love using her 4 it is quite obnoxious hearing that choir sound effect for hours upon hours.

As for abilities, I think what needs to be addressed is the frankly kinda low base stats on a few of them. Chiefly on her 1, % healing is a nice concept but 8% makes for an over 10 second heal to full health which is insanely long, not to mention the extremely long cast time it has an really low duration. 10 seconds is low enough as is but by the time you set up a field of them which you are often want to do as they apply judgement stacks for detonating with her 4, you've already exhausted the duration on your first few plumes. Even the radius could use a slight bump up to say 8. Her 2nd ability also could use some love in the shield restoring department, 10% is so small you will literally never notice it outside of its overshield restoring abilities. Compared to the massive boost that deathbringer gives and the nice albeit a bit more situational strength boost, there is very little reason to ever use her shield restore. 

Her 4 also introduces one or two issues that Yareli also had, that being that it locks you out of interacting with almost everything. There are quite a few things that do this in the game and by now I figured they would have stopped adding to the list. This doesnt even get into the fact we have no stats on the menu detailing what exactly her alt fire does as I have seen it do a host of different things including slash procs which her normal fire does not do. Beyond this I am disappointed in the comparatively low crit chance her 4 has compared to what was shown on the devstream. Don't get me wrong it is far from weak, but it leaves wanting.

Another issue I have is with her energy economy. With how much they want you to spam her 1 and her alt fire detonation, you will be bleeding energy as that is 25 energy for every alt fire and another 25 for every plume thrown which will likely only mark a handful of enemies before it expires from its low duration. Thats 50 energy for a single blast on top of her energy drain preventing passive gain like from zenurik. I think the alt fires detonation could be toned way down to maybe 10 energy a cast or her energy economy could be improved by increasing her base energy as 200 leaves a bit to be desired with how frequently you will be using your abilities.

And lastly I think this parts a bug, but her 3 does not save its revive progress on companions unlike normal reviving which means you have to stare them down unbroken to get any kind of results. Not the biggest deal but it is inconsistent with other methods of reviving companions and I do hope it is not intended.

All in all I think she is a very fun frame that needs just a few tweaks to be perfect. Nothing too crazy.

Edited by LightlessIvara
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8 hours ago, LightlessIvara said:

The first and most glaring thing in my opinion is the audio that plays when you use her 4, not only is it a really short loop but it is really really loud. It either needs to be turned way WAY down or outright removed. While I love using her 4 it is quite obnoxious hearing that choir sound effect for hours upon hours.

As for abilities, I think what needs to be addressed is the frankly kinda low base stats on a few of them. Chiefly on her 1, % healing is a nice concept but 8% makes for an over 10 second heal to full health which is insanely long, not to mention the extremely long cast time it has an really low duration. 10 seconds is low enough as is but by the time you set up a field of them which you are often want to do as they apply judgement stacks for detonating with her 4, you've already exhausted the duration on your first few plumes. Even the radius could use a slight bump up to say 8. Her 2nd ability also could use some love in the shield restoring department, 10% is so small you will literally never notice it outside of its overshield restoring abilities. Compared to the massive boost that deathbringer gives and the nice albeit a bit more situational strength boost, there is very little reason to ever use her shield restore. 

Her 4 also introduces one or two issues that Yareli also had, that being that it locks you out of interacting with almost everything. There are quite a few things that do this in the game and by now I figured they would have stopped adding to the list. This doesnt even get into the fact we have no stats on the menu detailing what exactly her alt fire does as I have seen it do a host of different things including slash procs which her normal fire does not do. Beyond this I am disappointed in the comparatively low crit chance her 4 has compared to what was shown on the devstream. Don't get me wrong it is far from weak, but it leaves wanting.

Another issue I have is with her energy economy. With how much they want you to spam her 1 and her alt fire detonation, you will be bleeding energy as that is 25 energy for every alt fire and another 25 for every plume thrown which will likely only mark a handful of enemies before it expires from its low duration. Thats 50 energy for a single blast on top of her energy drain preventing passive gain like from zenurik. I think the alt fires detonation could be toned way down to maybe 10 energy a cast or her energy economy could be improved by increasing her base energy as 200 leaves a bit to be desired with how frequently you will be using your abilities.

And lastly I think this parts a bug, but her 3 does not save its revive progress on companions unlike normal reviving which means you have to stare them down unbroken to get any kind of results. Not the biggest deal but it is inconsistent with other methods of reviving companions and I do hope it is not intended.

All in all I think she is a very fun frame that needs just a few tweaks to be perfect. Nothing too crazy.

I agree with you on almost everything, I just think that her ult is too weak, actually.

It may be good on non steel path, but man, I struggle to make it kill a single enemy. It's weakier than all recent weapons. Even my 8 years old Aksomatti prime can kill faster than it.

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49 minutes ago, Rayatsu said:

I agree with you on almost everything, I just think that her ult is too weak, actually.

It may be good on non steel path, but man, I struggle to make it kill a single enemy. It's weakier than all recent weapons. Even my 8 years old Aksomatti prime can kill faster than it.

First and fourth abilities definitely need buffing. 

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My biggest issue with her is how DE seems to have nerfed her casting speed while jade is in her 4th ability. Using her 1 in base form with 2 tao casting speed feels quick and snappy, but as soon as you go into her 4th, suddenly it takes AGES to throw even a few orbs out.. It honestly feels like its glitched or something, but seeing how its still not patched, im starting to think its intended.. Would it seriously be problematic being able to throw 1's out quickly while in her 4th?!


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4 hours ago, Theweedle said:

My biggest issue with her is how DE seems to have nerfed her casting speed while jade is in her 4th ability. Using her 1 in base form with 2 tao casting speed feels quick and snappy, but as soon as you go into her 4th, suddenly it takes AGES to throw even a few orbs out.. It honestly feels like its glitched or something, but seeing how its still not patched, im starting to think its intended.. Would it seriously be problematic being able to throw 1's out quickly while in her 4th?!


I just keep remembering in the dev stream when they showed Jer and Pablo specifically said ludicrous amounts of damage all of her abilities were on point. I know it said expect changes but goddamn she feels like a fly buzzing around trying not to get swatted. They plucked all her wings off after that dev stream ended and went to town. 😂

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