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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Jade's kit could use some improvement

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Firstly, let's adjust Light's Judgement to be more useful for the purpose for which 99% of players are going to use it for.

  • Increase duration from current 10 seconds, to 20 seconds.
    • This allows for a clean 31 seconds with Primed Continuity.
  • Increase radius from current 6 meters, to 10 meters.
    • The base radius is just too small.
  • Reduce cap of deployed zones from current 5, to 3.
    • Counter-balance to the radius buff.

Next, let's address the two issues of Symphony of Mercy.

  • Duration extension now scales with ability duration, like literally every other duration extension in the game.
    • Like, really? How did this slip through QA...
  • Add a line of text under Spirit of Resilience that simply lets the player know what the recharge delay cap is.
    • Quality of life, gotta love it!

Ophanim Eyes is pretty much in a perfect state, to be honest.

Now for the big thing that is probably the #1 disappointment to everyone who was hyped about Jade: Glory on High. The ability only needs two adjustments.

  • Increase the base damage of primary fire from current 150 heat, to 250 heat.
    • This brings it in line with other slow firing exalts and allows it to scale correctly into Steel Path, which it currently does not.
  • Increase Judgment application chance from current 10%, to 25%.
    • Alternatively, allow Judgement application chance to scale with ability strength.
  • Roll Judgement application before dealing damage. This has two effects:
    • Causes the hit to benefit from its own application.
    • Allows Glory to provide Symphony of Mercy extensions from targets that are one-shot.
      • This is a normal star chart consideration, primarily.
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