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The best written quest to date

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If someone told me years ago that this little game where we mow down hordes of intergalactic enemies as space ninjas would have such a touching story, I would have been incredulous. This quest shows where the story team absolutely shines and is able to create a mature and insightful quest while still keeping the spirit of Warframe though and through.


To preface, I didn't like many of the quests since the Second Dream, I find that the operator works best when we are able to put our words into their actions instead of the frequent dialogue between tenshin, lotus, and similar. The recent Whispers in the Walls suffers from too many different characters added and too much chin wagging about new characters we have never seen. The fault lies in the fact that it is too expository for my tastes and I would rather experience the story than be told. That being said, I rather enjoy the levarian stories as they tell us a tale of the Warframe themself in an interesting and captivating fashion. The novel idea of their history being told through artifacts is a great way to bring forth a bit of story while showing the passage of time and the vastness of the universe that we live in. 

This story completely blew me away. We are able to experience the tale from the perspective of the Stalker for the first time and instead of a vast exposition, we get subtlety and nuance. The use of the Stalker base is masterful, contrasting with the immense power he has in battle, here he is unarmed and his motions towards Jade are tender and gentle. No words need be exchanged between these two, their movements speak volumes to their relationship. We have seen and heard relationships throughout the series with varying degrees of success. Some abusive, some one sided, and some failing. For the first time I saw two people so deeply connected that it brought me to pause. THIS is a sci-fi love story. Memories muddled, bodies transformed, and allegiances blurred, but their love remained unfaltering and unwavering.


Hatred can be a powerful thing, it was the defining aspect of Stalker for over a decade. In a very bold move, the team decided to sway the Stalker away from his path to ask the Tenno for help. Playing as the Stalker and hearing the Tenno talk to us, made me feel nostalgic for the early days of Warframe. We were the silent warrior, the world spoke to us and we answered with action. Even when face to face with his enemy, after holding the Tenno at blade's edge, the Stalker simply presents the wing of Jade. The following sequence with Jade's passing left me speechless. The way the Jade begins to envelop Stalker's form, the Hatred reforming with Jade light, the green highlights on Stalker's face, ALL masterful. 


The final sequence where the Stalker is defying the Corpus and defending his child was a great climax to the tale. The sound design is excellent, the music is impactful, the cries of the child piercing though the gunfire, I don't know how to praise it enough. During the final scene on Lua the decision to not show their faces is amazing, it emphasizes the focus is not on who they were, but who they are, and what they have, love. Through this quest, Stalker's transformation through aesthetics is subtle, but powerful. 


I could not have thought of a more appropriate quest just after Father's Day. I honestly dreaded a character assassination going into this quest, but I was more than surprised, I was blown away and humbled by the creative team behind this work. 


Thank You, DE




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Yea the quest left me dumbfounded...

vor 4 Stunden schrieb AriaTLoak:

"The following sequence with Jade's passing left me speechless."

Me too, tenno, me too. If only for the different reasons.

I'm sorry but how is this good writing?

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11 hours ago, (XBOX)FEB777 said:

Yea the quest left me dumbfounded...

I'm sorry but how is this good writing?

I didn't quite say I found the quest to be good writing or the moment to be inspiring. All I said I was left speechless after that sequence, for different reasons than the OP.

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I was agreeing with you the good writing part was for the OG poster

vor 7 Stunden schrieb AriaTLoak:

I didn't quite say I found the quest to be good writing or the moment to be inspiring. All I said I was left speechless after that sequence, for different reasons than the OP.


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I don’t know how to elaborate more than my original post. Just think it’s the best Warframe Quest to date. Had very low expectations since all quests since and including the New War had very “meh” story and sometimes awful characters. This time it was compact and concise and I feel did a great job 👏 

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