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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Not so good and weird

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I dont like the quest. Jade has nothing to do than be pregnant and die. The Operator has no meaning and was for the story useless. The last part where they let the Stalker escape make no sense! He killed countless Corpus and because of a baby they let them through? A capitalist faction has feelings for a little baby? I mean i would have understand if the sister would helpt the stalker from escaping but that all hold the fire ... Na the story is way to cliche, flat and didnt hekp the story or Stalker character progress ... one of the worst quest ingame!

And i didnt feel anything for the Characters because it was way to short. ( I was sad that they turned the Stalker in to that flat character ...)

Ah yeah and now we can get a pregnant Warframe to controll to fight and slaughter the enemy for us ... that is so wrong on so many levels ...

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I must correct my self ... the very young operator (male and female) is not useless. He (my operator is a male) helps with birth by experience it through Jade first hand ... yeah it dosnt make it better ... only more weird ^^'

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3 hours ago, God_Emperor_Phex said:

I mean i would have understand if the sister would helpt the stalker from escaping but that all hold the fire ...

The whole thing COULD have at least make a little more sense if we could have some super-brief, like 1-2second "flashback memory" of the Corpus chick about her having a baby back home or something. Like a literal quick "flashing image" of her, with her baby. A glimpse into her mind, especially since we've got a close-up view of her, when she gave out the cease fire order, yeah? There and then, when she heard the baby cry - boom, 1-2 sec image of her with her baby, done. And that being her reasoning for giving out that order. Not perfect, definitely a whole lot of plot-holes still, but... Already that could have made MORE sense than... what we got.


This quest is just... Not good.

Edited by _Kit_Kat_Cat_
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Posted (edited)
vor einer Stunde schrieb matt11mz:

We have a list of Corpus Offshoots with morals. I can accept the officer not being a total monster. From there, it is simple chain of command.

okay i can understand that argument but still the plot is to simple.

vor einer Stunde schrieb _Kit_Kat_Cat_:

The whole thing COULD have at least make a little more sense if we could have some super-brief, like 1-2second "flashback memory" of the Corpus chick about her having a baby back home or something. Like a literal quick "flashing image" of her, with her baby. A glimpse into her mind, especially since we've got a close-up view of her, when she gave out the cease fire order, yeah? There and then, when she heard the baby cry - boom, 1-2 sec image of her with her baby, done. And that being her reasoning for giving out that order. Not perfect, definitely a whole lot of plot-holes still, but... Already that could have made MORE sense than... what we got.


This quest is just... Not good.

This would put a little bit sense in to that scene. But the story as a whole has to may plot holes and i would like to know how they come up with that story and why they put it like that together. The weird things (pregnant Warframe etc.) asside they should make the story longer for time to bond with the Stalker and Jade and fill the plot holes.

Edited by God_Emperor_Phex
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Yea the writing is comically bad the quest is weird. It makes the stalker weird and jade as a character really shallow. Also it's kind of weird that the pregnancy is what kills her but seems to be her whole power base as the playable frame... Just weird. In my mind it would at least have made more sense to have jade as a supportive mother frame using her children to spread help to other players. This way it's literally giving off telling a pregnant woman "you are absolutely radiant!". Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but this quest makes me feel a bit wrong now that I want to play the character somehow.



Also why not just go with an angel vs demon approach for her lore and the stalker?

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vor 18 Stunden schrieb (XBOX)FEB777:

Yea the writing is comically bad the quest is weird. It makes the stalker weird and jade as a character really shallow. Also it's kind of weird that the pregnancy is what kills her but seems to be her whole power base as the playable frame... Just weird. In my mind it would at least have made more sense to have jade as a supportive mother frame using her children to spread help to other players. This way it's literally giving off telling a pregnant woman "you are absolutely radiant!". Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but this quest makes me feel a bit wrong now that I want to play the character somehow.



Also why not just go with an angel vs demon approach for her lore and the stalker?

Demon vs angel + romeo and julia would be great! Something that loves each other but can not be together. This story should have more chapters so that we can bond with the characters (mainly jade because we know the stalker for a good while :) )

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