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Sevagoth: Death's Harvest Description clarification & Sow can't affect Hard CC'd enemies.

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First I wanna drop this- https://clips.twitch.tv/ChillyCaringSproutShazBotstix-NFKCa2SeEVps-sMU -right there so we can get Sow out the way first.

Sow currently cannot affect enemies afflicted with a continuous ragdoll/pull, lifted has mixed results and regular ragdoll seems to end fast enough to not affect this, granted this isn't the only ability not have this issue; looking at you breach surge.

This actively counteracts his kits synergy as you must wait for the CC to end before they can be affected again, which means increased duration becomes a hindering factor.


Now, can we get a clarification for the Death's Harvest debuff & it's description or coding?

I say this because the REAP applies Death's Harvest, the same Death's Harvest that his Shadow uses from the ability which it's name stems from, further proof is provided by casting Death's Harvest as the Shadow & it triggering his augment (Shadow Haze) to spawn new Shadows from afflicted targets.

Now the confusion I have stems from the NEW augment (Dark Propagation), despite its item description saying "Shadow's Death Harvest also inflicts Sow" this does not seem to be the same Death Harvest that REAP inflicts despite it seemingly being the same according to both Augment & Description given by the ability itself, and I quote; "Sevagoth's SHADOW flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death's Harvest over time".

The description say that it is his Shadow that inflicts this debuff, the same debuff that the augment (Shadow Haze) recognizes and interacts with as Death's Harvest, yet despite these factors the Death's Harvest from REAP does not apply Sow from Dark Propagation.

It also says that they are "damaged by Death's Harvest OVER TIME", yet unless you use the augment (Dark Propagation), Death's Harvest doesn't deal any damage, REAP does, and only for the initial contact & the explosion caused by the Reap & Sow combo, the leads to further confusion when testing as REAP's Death's Harvest doesn't apply Sow, even with the augment (Dark Propagation).


Now to clarify, his SHADOW's Death's Harvest will apply Sow (with the augment), but REAP also says that it's SHADOW applying it Death's Harvest yet it does not apply the same, once again, despite Shadow Haze working off his SHADOW's Death's Harvest.

(A similar description problem can be seen with things like Arca Plasmor saying that "Surviving enemies are consumed with radiation", giving notions that a DOT or something similar afflicting them).

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