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Shared Purpose/Stalker broken. After spawn animation, Stalker is unresponsive,

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After choosing Shared Purpose from Ordis, I join a session perfectly normally, up until Stalker's spawn animation finishes. But after that, Stalker turns fully invisible, and I'm left unable to do anything except for turning the camera, rolling, and pausing. Neither Falling out of bounds nor /unstuck solve the issue.

This started happening today, and happens consistently every time I join a mission through the Shared Purpose option. It was working yesterday.

Here are two examples below:



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First time I used it, the game crashed in the loading screen.

The second time I was stuck in that glitched state. In the elevator room, I could only use his teleport and melee to move around

Third, game session "ended"

Fourth, I'm in the glitched state again.

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Just experienced this. I saw little dust clouds when I tried to jump, but I was quickly taken out by a Jade Light Eximus because I couldn't do anything else. Then put into spectating without any ability to do anything but turn the camera around a single player. I thought it was supposed to be an immediate mission fail if you died as Stalker.

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48 minutes ago, Jsuelieta said:

Just experienced this. I saw little dust clouds when I tried to jump, but I was quickly taken out by a Jade Light Eximus because I couldn't do anything else. Then put into spectating without any ability to do anything but turn the camera around a single player. I thought it was supposed to be an immediate mission fail if you died as Stalker.

Yes it's supposed to kick you out and Mission Failed but you still get some rewards

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