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Since we're reworking Status effects, can we finally fix Cold mods' polarity?

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All of the elemental mods have the same polarity* except Cold. It makes no sense, it makes finagling combo elements on a slot budget an enormous pain, and there's no reason I can see to keep it that way, especially not since this update came with free Forma in case you need to change your polarities. Frankly I'm not sure why it was ever like that to begin with. Please, pretty please with sugar on top, please just give Cold the same polarity as the other elements?

*Within their tier; the gold-tier Cold mods are rightfully V polarity, like the others, but the silver-tier ones are the curvy triangle instead of the -- that the other silver elemental mods have.

(Weirdly, Archwing elemental mods are all over the place, too, but there it's less "odd one out" and more "random selection," plus Archwing isn't nearly as central to WF gameplay.)

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I wish they would do that. I keep having conflicts across configs that use primed cold and those that don't because I need madurai/naramon forma on one config and vazarin on the other.

I suggested they change it to universal polarity for a few months and give people 1 forma per 5 mastery rank they have so they don't break builds and then after a few months change the mod from universal to naramon polarity like the rest. That would be a smooth transition and give players time to fix their builds.

They probably decided to not change it and instead added those new status damage mods to make that polarity more relevant. Still annoying though because usually different config have the same setup but different elements and cold throws a wrench in that

Edited by Redrigoth
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