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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

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I'm sorry but please add a non pregnant or less obvious pregnant option to Jade. 

I don't often like to speak to this but as someone who has lost an unborn child I was just left speechless. (In a bad way) I feel extremely uncomfortable after this quest and I actually feel remorse for having played it.

I was very exited for this update and especially for Jade since I love playing support frames so I thought I'd treat myself and bought the new pack that came out with this update (the one that includes Jade all weapons and cosmetics) because it seemed like just the thing I'd have tons of fun with in this game I love playing.

But after the quest which left me quite shocked, emotionally vulnerable as well as simply uncomfortable, I found out that Jade is even in the playable form highly pregnant and even sports a translucent belly! Offering a plain view of what is essentially a developing child! 

I know I might be in the minority here but that sight just awakens very unpleasant emotions within me. Now I'm actually a little bit worried to go and play online because I just don't want those emotions coming up again. 

I know digital extremes is a very inclusive company and a mother frame is an interesting idea but please not like this the design just evokes the wrong kind of pregnancy especially in context with her tragic quest.

Therefore I just appeal to digital extremes inclusive side myself and ask for a slight redesign or toggle because for me and probably some others out there this design just evokes very painful memories. 

Please just make it less obvious. At least make the belly not see through.

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