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Jade Feedback

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I've been playing with Jade for the past few days and I feel the need to leave a little bit of feedback regarding her abilities and how they feel in-game. My opinions are by no means the end all be all, I'm just speaking how I feel. :) 


Passive: The passive is great and I think it creates a great new concept for this frame as a whole. The damage vulnerability is good, and the second aura is very nice to have. However, the damage vulnerability only being 50% and only lasting 10 seconds is something that I think should be improved. It's nice to have, but if it only lasts 10 seconds then I feel like it should either be a greater % value of vulnerability, or it should stay 50% but last longer overall. 

First Ability "Light's Judgement": This ability is good on paper: An ability that heals allies, damages enemies, and marks targets for damage vulnerability sounds very good when you say it verbally. But gameplay wise, this ability falls short in every aspect besides the "marking of enemies with Judgement." "This ability heals allies over time that pass through it" which doesn't sound bad, but when you're doing endgame content like Archon Hunts and you're having all of your HP taken away in one shot, standing in these zones isn't going to help you. I feel like the whole "heals allies over time" should be reworked to something more effective like "gives Overguard overtime", "gives status effect immunity if you're within it's radius", or "weapons have shield leech while inside of its radius." Not all three of course, but something to match what we already have within the game right now. Getting health over time while inside of its radius just isn't good, and it isn't effective in content where it would even begin to matter. The damage that it deals to enemies is okay as well but, I'm not too worried about that part. Mainly the healing. Now, the radius on this zones, and their duration, need some tuning. The radius scaling with range is a little subpar. You want to mod her for duration and strength predominantly, but with the little bit of range that you put on her, you're forced to either handicap her other abilities by modding for more range to make her zones encompass a larger area, or you're forced to not mod for range and now the zones take up a smaller area, making them less effective. I feel that these zones should scale more with range, that they should scale to be larger more quickly and with less range mods to make it so that you don't feel like you're handicapping your build by trying to make the zones larger. The duration that they last for is also low enough to where you feel like you constantly have to throw them out, which I feel like should be fixed and they should last longer overall. 

• Healing Changed

• Range Fixes

• Duration Fixes 


Second Ability "Symphony of Mercy": 

First Aura with shield Regen: Needs work. This aura is okay at best. Gaining shields is okay, but when Pillage does it better and quicker + more effectively, there's an issue. I feel like this ability should not just Regen shields, but it should Regen health and energy as well. Maybe this sounds overpowered, but as she stands right now. She has no way of giving herself damage reduction (besides being in her 4 which only goes to 50%) and energy. Citrine, for example, gives herself 90% damage reduction for free, energy for free, health orbs for free, and can do all of that while being a menace. This is one of the things that makes Citrine a fantastic frame. But Jade lacks this as a support frame. Her "shield Regen aura" should be changed from giving shields, to bestowing shields, energy, and health over time to yourself and allies. That would increase her survivability and make this ability more appealing to have on. Even better, make this aura give a flat 90% damage reduction to you and allies similar to Citrine's "Preserving Shell" ability.

Second and Third Auras: Totally fine but they could probably benefit from more scaling with strength. They feel kind of lackluster at the moment with no real "need" to swap to them at any given moment. 

• Shield Aura needs tuning, major tuning to feel actually effective. 


Third Ability "Ophanim Eyes": Fantastic ability. No changes needed here. 


Fourth Ability "Glory on High": This ability needs some love. The flying aspect is great, the Glory exalted weapon is fantastic, the alt fire explosions are amazing, the interaction with her other abilities is great, but I feel like there could be some improvements here. Firstly, having 50% damage reduction while airborne is "okay" at best. There's no reason why she can't have a 90% damage reduction with strength scaling. 50% should not be the cap for this and it should be raised to 90% to match other frames in this similar field (Citrine, Mirage, and Mesa for example). Secondly, I feel that getting kills on enemies effected by judgement should make EVERY ability last longer, not just her aura (2nd ability). This feels very nitpicky and thrown in last second, like "hey let's make her 2 specifically last longer with killing enemies affected by Judgement", when really she could have every ability increase its timer and be fine. This would fix the duration AND range issue with her 1 since now you're not really modding for duration as much, and you're able to focus more so on its range. Increasing the overall effectiveness of her first ability. Overall, her flying is good, but you just feel like a sitting duck. You get shot around 2-3 times and well, you're out of the air. In Steel Path, this ability did fine. But outside of Steel Path, I can see this ability needing some tuning. 

• Damage Reduction Needed 

• Kills on enemies affected by Judgement should result in ALL of her abilities getting increased, not just her "Symphony of Mercy". 


Overall Thoughts: Jade is a great frame, don't get me wrong. But with frames like Dante, Kullervo, Citrine, and many others existing, it shows you what she lacks. She lacks survivability, and in my opinion, her abilities lack that "angel mother" feeling to them. Like making her first ability's zones bestow Overguard into allies with a cap seems more fitting of a mother protecting her children than "healing over time". Giving her two an aura that protects allies from status effects while giving them shield Regen sounds like much more of a mother figure than just shield Regen over time. I feel like with Dante, you all have been trying to not "overtune" Jade, but I feel like she is very undertuned. She can afford to give Overguard, she can afford to protect her children (your teammates) with status immunity, shield Regen, energy Regen, all of these things and not be overpowered. I mean when you're having a bad day, doesn't your Mom and Dad give you the energy you need to keep going? This makes sense for Jade to bestow yourself and allies with energy Regen and shield Regen on top of being able to gain Overguard if you "seek her protection" (the many zones that her first ability creates) so- to-speak.


These are just my thoughts on Jade. I believe that she is severely undertuned and needs some work. Other than this, she seems okay. I would love for some tuning to come her way to really make her feel like the mother of all frames, but only time will tell. Thank you for your time, and have a great day! 😁

Edited by SacredTrevor
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3 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Fourth Ability "Glory on High": This ability needs some love. The flying aspect is great, the Glory exalted weapon is fantastic, the alt fire explosions are amazing, the interaction with her other abilities is great, but I feel like there could be some improvements here. Firstly, having 50% damage reduction while airborne is "okay" at best. There's no reason why she can't have a 90% damage reduction with strength scaling. 50% should not be the cap for this and it should be raised to 90% to match other frames in this similar field (Citrine, Mirage, and Mesa for example). Secondly, I feel that getting kills on enemies effected by judgement should make EVERY ability last longer, not just her aura (2nd ability). This feels very nitpicky and thrown in last second, like "hey let's make her 2 specifically last longer with killing enemies affected by Judgement", when really she could have every ability increase its timer and be fine. This would fix the duration AND range issue with her 1 since now you're not really modding for duration as much, and you're able to focus more so on its range. Increasing the overall effectiveness of her first ability. Overall, her flying is good, but you just feel like a sitting duck. You get shot around 2-3 times and well, you're out of the air. In Steel Path, this ability did fine. But outside of Steel Path, I can see this ability needing some tuning. 


Jade can already get additional damage reduction when flying for free when using the mods Aviator (40% damage reduction when airborne) and Aerodynamic (24% damage reduction while airborne). Need more testing to determine if it's additive or multiplicative on top of the 50% she gets from the ability, but it does significantly boost her survivability in that mode.

Edited by Shinoyami65
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5 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Gaining shields is okay, but when Pillage does it better and quicker + more effectively, there's an issue.

me when the warframe whose entire thing is being the best at shields is the best at shields

5 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Citrine, for example, gives herself 90% damage reduction for free, energy for free, health orbs for free, and can do all of that while being a menace. This is one of the things that makes Citrine a fantastic frame. But Jade lacks this as a support frame.

me when DE makes two different frames instead of making Citrine 2: Electric Boogaloo

5 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Her "shield Regen aura" should be changed from giving shields, to bestowing shields, energy, and health over time to yourself and allies. That would increase her survivability and make this ability more appealing to have on. Even better, make this aura give a flat 90% damage reduction to you and allies similar to Citrine's "Preserving Shell" ability.

me when warframes have abilities that are unique and match their own respective themes. You have some good points here but I think you're going about it entirely wrong if you want them to just turn her into citrine

5 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Jade is a great frame, don't get me wrong. But with frames like Dante, Kullervo, Citrine, and many others existing

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5 hours ago, SacredTrevor said:

Second Ability "Symphony of Mercy": 

First Aura with shield Regen: Needs work. This aura is okay at best. Gaining shields is okay, but when Pillage does it better and quicker + more effectively, there's an issue. I feel like this ability should not just Regen shields, but it should Regen health and energy as well. Maybe this sounds overpowered, but as she stands right now. She has no way of giving herself damage reduction (besides being in her 4 which only goes to 50%) and energy. Citrine, for example, gives herself 90% damage reduction for free, energy for free, health orbs for free, and can do all of that while being a menace. This is one of the things that makes Citrine a fantastic frame. But Jade lacks this as a support frame. Her "shield Regen aura" should be changed from giving shields, to bestowing shields, energy, and health over time to yourself and allies. That would increase her survivability and make this ability more appealing to have on. Even better, make this aura give a flat 90% damage reduction to you and allies similar to Citrine's "Preserving Shell" ability.

Second and Third Auras: Totally fine but they could probably benefit from more scaling with strength. They feel kind of lackluster at the moment with no real "need" to swap to them at any given moment. 

• Shield Aura needs tuning, major tuning to feel actually effective. 

So uh... Are you using Fast Deflection, Redirection and 300% strength with the shield aura? Like, at all? Cause it allows you to shield gate for days without thinking too much. 0.2s shield recharge delay and extremely fast regeneration.
Combined with her mobility, her shield recharge is so fast and constant, you're almost never going down and pretty much never need to think about it.

Also... no... to the Overguard. No more overguard, for the love of god please no. OG is the most broken mechanic DE have ever added to the game, invalidating multiple different systems.
Status effects? Nah
Knockdowns? Who cares
Shield gating? LOL We'll just do it with Overguard
Damage Reduction? OG Doesn't even get it

They even had to add extra effects to other abilities and mods because Overguard was THAT powerful. Like... honestly it needs to just go. It's very bad for the health of the game longterm.

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2 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

So uh... Are you using Fast Deflection, Redirection and 300% strength with the shield aura? Like, at all? Cause it allows you to shield gate for days without thinking too much. 0.2s shield recharge delay and extremely fast regeneration.
Combined with her mobility, her shield recharge is so fast and constant, you're almost never going down and pretty much never need to think about it.

Also... no... to the Overguard. No more overguard, for the love of god please no. OG is the most broken mechanic DE have ever added to the game, invalidating multiple different systems.
Status effects? Nah
Knockdowns? Who cares
Shield gating? LOL We'll just do it with Overguard
Damage Reduction? OG Doesn't even get it

They even had to add extra effects to other abilities and mods because Overguard was THAT powerful. Like... honestly it needs to just go. It's very bad for the health of the game longterm.

Don’t think over guard needs to go but definitely don’t need anymore frames with that ability since we already have one who can give a lot of it

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3 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

So uh... Are you using Fast Deflection, Redirection and 300% strength with the shield aura? Like, at all? Cause it allows you to shield gate for days without thinking too much. 0.2s shield recharge delay and extremely fast regeneration.
Combined with her mobility, her shield recharge is so fast and constant, you're almost never going down and pretty much never need to think about it.

Also... no... to the Overguard. No more overguard, for the love of god please no. OG is the most broken mechanic DE have ever added to the game, invalidating multiple different systems.
Status effects? Nah
Knockdowns? Who cares
Shield gating? LOL We'll just do it with Overguard
Damage Reduction? OG Doesn't even get it

They even had to add extra effects to other abilities and mods because Overguard was THAT powerful. Like... honestly it needs to just go. It's very bad for the health of the game longterm.

I don't tend to use shield gating because I feel like a frame should be good without the use of that mechanic in the first place. Even then, it seems contradictory to shield gate when one of her ability's whole purpose is to give health Regen? I don't know, I don't think that a frame should be purposefully geared towards shield gating, but that's just me. 

3 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

So uh... Are you using Fast Deflection, Redirection and 300% strength with the shield aura? Like, at all? Cause it allows you to shield gate for days without thinking too much. 0.2s shield recharge delay and extremely fast regeneration.
Combined with her mobility, her shield recharge is so fast and constant, you're almost never going down and pretty much never need to think about it.

Also... no... to the Overguard. No more overguard, for the love of god please no. OG is the most broken mechanic DE have ever added to the game, invalidating multiple different systems.
Status effects? Nah
Knockdowns? Who cares
Shield gating? LOL We'll just do it with Overguard
Damage Reduction? OG Doesn't even get it

They even had to add extra effects to other abilities and mods because Overguard was THAT powerful. Like... honestly it needs to just go. It's very bad for the health of the game longterm.

Also if you need that much effort + mods in order to just keep her alive then something is wrong when we have frames like Citrine that can do it in ability pop. 

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5 hours ago, Shinoyami65 said:

Jade can already get additional damage reduction when flying for free when using the mods Aviator (40% damage reduction when airborne) and Aerodynamic (24% damage reduction while airborne). Need more testing to determine if it's additive or multiplicative on top of the 50% she gets from the ability, but it does significantly boost her survivability in that mode.

I hear you, I have those mods on her as well. I just don't believe that this dynamic is healthy for the frame since you will only receive that damage reduction while flying. Granted yes her whole identity is flying, but at the same time, she could just have an ability that gives her 90% damage reduction (like when flying, I don't know why it's capped at 50% when Mirage's Eclipse exists) and still be fine.

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3 hours ago, (NSW)Cephalon_Sugma said:

me when the warframe whose entire thing is being the best at shields is the best at shields

me when DE makes two different frames instead of making Citrine 2: Electric Boogaloo

me when warframes have abilities that are unique and match their own respective themes. You have some good points here but I think you're going about it entirely wrong if you want them to just turn her into citrine

I hear what you're saying. I don't want them to turn her into Citrine by any means, but I'm trying to point out how we already have frames that give/have a free 90% damage reduction buff, but yet Jade's 4 only caps at 50%? It seems kind of weird that this ability caps at 50 when Mirage's Eclipse stays at 90 permanently and lasts a long time. And I get what you're saying about the other points as well. I brought in Pillage in order to emphasize the fact that I could just put Pillage on her 2 instead for better shield Regen. I feel like her 2 needs to do more specifically in the shield department, the other auras are fine. 

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