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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

I sat back and did nothing during the birthing rythym game. And it still worked. Is this intended?

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I don't have an answer, but I was very confused. It said to hold spacebar, but then there's these blips on the wave, implying that it's some sort of rhythm game, where you have to tap when the thingy hits the blips, but I tried both and could see no clear effect, still succeeded though.
I would guess the intent is for it not to be failable? It felt like a cutscene (that's being extremely generous XD) where they give you a button-prompt so you don't feel left out :)

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I also sat back and did nothing, I usually do it on purpose when sequences like this happen just to see what happens. Mainly because it isn't uncommon in games for sequences like this to be just for flair. I am not sure if it was intended here as well, but if it was it might as well have been a cutscene instead. I guess DE just wanted us to give the illusion of doing something

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