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New Enemy Scaling and Ash: from one-shoting SP Corrupted Heavy Gunners to Struggling

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Ash used to be able to trigger Arcane Trickery with Blade Storm, but that got removed. Was that intentional or accidental?

Also, the new scaling killed Ash effectiveness on one of the last things he could do well, which was bypass armor. Blade Storm at 300% Strength was guaranteed to one-shot a level 200 Steel Path Corrupted Heavy Gunner at 12x combo multiplier.

Now, Ash NEEDS to use Radiant Finish with that same build in order to do the same thing, along with not having reliable invisibility and needing a constant drain of Energy from casting Smoke Screen to have survivability for Steel Path content. Because of that, his build needs to be way more balanced on duration and efficiency (which kills his damage output) and will be way less effective than anything else.

Ash already struggles against bosses since they either can't be target by his Blade Storm or have such high ability resistance that makes it useless, while also being immune to Radiant Finish for extra damage. The Acolytes were still a good measure with Ash being able to 1v1 them in a couple of seconds. Now Ash struggles against heavy enemies too, only being able to deal with normal enemies that the average weapon one-shots anyway.

I know that streamlining resistances was a good thing to make the system less scary for new players (even if it wasn't that necessary to engage with it, since doing more damage is easier than being smarter on damage configuration, and multiple configurations worked great for Steel Path without having to be switched because of the enemies), but the armor scaling rework feels like it backfired for any frame that was intended to counter it. The last rework that aimed at balancing armor was on a great spot, with armor stripping not being necessary to completion as it was on the past, and minimum engagement with armor removing options being enough to fight heavy armored enemies if your damage output was good. But the current one feels like it overdid it. Either frames with armor bypass get damage multipliers for damaging enemies through armor that scales on their armor, or damage-oriented Ash is dead for high level Steel Path, despite having (in the past at least) such fun kits, builds and arcane interactions.


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