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Slash procs stop working as normal

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After the Status and Enemy Scaling reword, Slash procs have stopped their usual effects, bleed and slash now does alot less damage, to the point where they arent doing anything (i.e. slash procs that used to do 5k a proc or 10k a proc now do 14-60 damage a proc.) this effects numerous weapons and warframes (i.e. Dante is in huge effect, any weapons that used hunter munitions have no been working as effectively.) I hope this gets patched in the next hotfit

-Yours truly,

a somewhat concerned Dante and Jade Player

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Ive noticed this as well. Normal slash as applied by the weapon and status chance seem to work as it should but slash applied through mods seems to behave oddly. I noticed my epitaph (which uses hemorrhage for its main slash application) hitting like a wet noodle with its charged shot today as i was doing some random steel path mission with ivara. That thing used to one shot steel path enemies with headshots easily and now it did barely any damage with slash procs at around 10% of their previous values suggesting that armor applies.

Perhaps the mods are applying the slash proc based on the damage inflicted after armor/DR has reduced it?

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