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Warframe : Shamar – Sentinel of the Dawn


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Several years ago, I thought of a guardian angel warframe in the paladin style. So, having found my document, I've decided to share it with you if it can inspire the community or developers :)

H6TmGqT.png 3ruQFup.png

Note: The two concepts illustrated were generated by an AI. The aim is simply to propose a representation idea for the two forms of combat proposed for this warframe concept.



Shamar, the Dawn Sentinel, is a supportive and offensive Warframe. Her name means "guardian, watcher, and protector" in Hebrew. Shamar alternates between two states: Wisdom and Frenzy. In Wisdom, she provides protective auras against various types of damage to her allies and enhances their attributes based on the color of her melee weapon. In Frenzy, she deals elemental damage to nearby enemies and weakens their characteristics. Her abilities include summoning a celestial guardian or creating a powerful clone of herself, each offering specific advantages in combat. Managing her energy and life is essential to optimize her abilities according to the squad's needs.



Health: 150 (450 at lvl 30)
Armour: 100
Shield: 70 (210 at lvl 30)
Energy: 130 (180 at lvl 30)
Speed: 1.1

Aura:  yyhidam.png
Polarities: EOHHdu1.png EOHHdu1.png EOHHdu1.png
Passive effect: His wisdom consumes the energy of squad members and his frenzy sucks the life out of squad members.



Allows Shamar to change his state from Wisdom to Frenzy, and vice versa.

In Wisdom form, Shamar benefits from a passive aura of protection, depending on the school chosen, effective within a radius of 10 metres and
able to benefit allies within his zone of effect:

  • Naramon: Protection against electrical damage of 3 / 6 / 9 / 12%.
  • Vazarin: Protection against freezing damage of 3 / 6 / 9 / 12%
  • Zenurik: Protection against fire damage of 3 / 6 / 9 / 12%
  • Unairu: Protection against poison damage of 3 / 6 / 9 / 12%
  • Madurai: Protection against physical damage of 2 / 4 / 6 / 8%


In Frenzy form, Shamar benefits from a passive aura of damage according to the school chosen, effective within a radius of 3 metres and
capable of causing damage per second to nearby enemies within its area of effect:

  • Naramon: Inflicts 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 electrical damage
  • Vazarin: Inflicts 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 frost damage
  • Zenurik : Inflicts 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 fire damage
  • Unairu : Inflicts 20 / 40 / 80 / 160 poison damage
  • Madurai : Inflicts slashing damage at a rate of 6 / 12 / 25 / 50

Once Shamar or one of his allies is down, he regains his Wisdom status and 60 enemies must be defeated with the melee weapon before Shamar's ability can be reactivated.

Note : That it will be impossible for other team members to heal themselves with personal powers or consumables while Shamar is transformed into Frenzy. Only life orbs and health auras will be activated during this state. It should also be noted that no mod can affect or influence this power, and that the change of form removes all the bonuses granted to each power by the previous form.



Graceful song can only be used while in Wisdom form.

This chant increases the specific characteristics of the warframes in the squad according to the colour of Shamar's melee weapon power.
This weapon is automatically activated for the duration of the power, with no option to switch weapons.

  • Blue: Shield increased by 6 / 9 / 12 / 15%.
  • White: Increases energy by 6 / 9 / 12 / 15%.
  • Red: Increases life by 6 / 9 / 12 / 15%.
  • Green: Increases armour by 6 / 9 / 12 / 15%.

On the other hand, this power drains 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 energy per second from Shamar's bar until it runs out or he manually stops.


Pernicious Whisper can only be used during the Frenzy form.

This whisper weakens the enemy's specific characteristics according to the colour of the melee weapon's power when equipped with Shamar.
This weapon is automatically activated for the duration of the power without the option of changing weapon.

  • Blue: 5/10/15/20% shield reduction
  • White: Reduces energy by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%.
  • Red: Reduces life by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%.
  • Green: Reduces tack by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%.

On the other hand, this power drains 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 life per second from Shamar's bar until it runs out or he manually stops.

Note : That the characteristics of this power are cumulative with the passive/active abilities of warframes and can be influenced by installed mods.



Consecration can only be used while in Wisdom form.

This increases melee damage bonuses by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20% but reduces armour and life by 20%.
Each death caused by the active power causes 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 of energy to be sent to each member of the squad.

As the power is activated, Shamar's energy is gradually consumed, recharging allies' energy at a rate of 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 per second.
If Shamar's energy drops to zero, ally recharging is momentarily interrupted until restored.


Annihilation can only be used while in Frenzy form.

This increases melee damage bonuses by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20% but reduces armour and shields by 20%.
Each death caused by the active power causes a life theft of 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 to be sent to each member of the squad.

While the power is activated, Shamar's life will be consumed little by little to recharge the life of allies at a rate of 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 per second.
If Shamar's life drops to zero, recharging is interrupted.

Note : that the characteristics of this power are cumulative with the passive/active abilities of warframes and can be influenced by installed mods.



Celestial Summon can only be used while in Wisdom form.

This call summons a celestial guardian to fight alongside Shamar for 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds and disappears once the time is up.
It also benefits from all the bonuses provided by Shamar.

This celestial guardian has a life bar equivalent to 60% of Shamar's, has no shield, uses no energy and fights only in melee.

He has the ability to automatically absolve each enemy when they die. Some of the deceased souls are recovered to heal him up to 30% and
increase his melee power by 5% for each absolution.

The summoned guardian will inflict 60% of Shamar's melee weapon damage as standard.


Celestial Fury can only be used while in Frenzy form.

This power allows Shamar to create a copy of himself without the additional bonuses to his squad. This action halves his life but doubles his power.

The Fury will remain for 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 seconds before disappearing when the time runs out.

Each enemy killed by the Fury will give 10% life to each member of the squad and 5% life to Shamar and his clone.

Note : that the characteristics of this power are cumulative with the passive/active abilities of the warframes and can be influenced by installed mods.

Edited by swefpifh
Faults corrected
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  • swefpifh changed the title to Warframe : Shamar – Sentinel of the Dawn
  • 2 weeks later...
Le 21/06/2024 à 02:21, Pakaku a dit :

If those pictures were AI-generated, please get rid of them

These are just images generated to give an idea of what the two forms of the warframe might look like. So, if you're allergic to AI, throw away your computer, because you're using it without even knowing it 😜 All the best. 😉

Edited by swefpifh
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1 hour ago, swefpifh said:

These are just images generated to give an idea of what the two forms of the warframe might look like. So, if you're allergic to AI, throw away your computer, because you're using it without even knowing it 😜 All the best. 😉

I don't plagiarise from other artists whenever I make art on my computer. But thanks for the snarky ignorant reply, I guess

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