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Wording For Harmony's Unique Trait (And Similar Effects) Could Be More Clear

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The description of Harmony's Harmonic Resonance trait is:


Heavy Attacks condense all Status Effects that deal damage over time into a single instance. Heavy Attack kills activate Harmonic Resonance, a buff that increases Status Duration by 30% for allies.

When I initially read this, I thought what it did is take all Status Effects that deal damage over time, so Heat, Electric, Gas, etc. and condense them into one instance of that proc. So if you had 10 Heat procs, they'd turn into 1 Heat proc with the damage of all 10 combined. It condenses them into a single instance, right?

Instead what the effect does is condense all Status Effects that deal damage over time, and then apply that damage in one hit. The duration of the secondary buff (30s) is also not listed.

The passive would be more clear if it was written something like:


Heavy Attacks condense and apply all Status Effects that deal damage over time as into a single damage instance. Heavy Attack kills activate Harmonic Resonance, a buff that increases Status Duration by 30% for allies for 30s.

If you wanted to be a little less wordy with the second effect it could read:


Heavy Attacks condense and apply all Status Effects that deal damage over time as a single damage instance. Heavy Attack kills increase Status Duration by 30% for allies for 30s.

Same I guess with Expedite Suffering, which already at least explains that it's a damage instance you're condensing effects into:


Condense and apply all Slash and Toxin Status Effects as into a single damage instance.

Edited by PublikDomain
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