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Jade Eximus Beams has few anti player behaviour

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I have few complains about Jade Eximus - 

  1. Mesa / Nekros / any frame with long casting animation are troubled by the jade light insta kill
  2. melee is very irritating with jade eximus unless you are two shot nuking the enemy
  3. Defense objective getting nuked due to folks standing on it
  4. Its annoying that you can't reply to discord / whatsapp messages on the side for 5 seconds without risking death. People start stop reviving you after the 2nd time. Not to say that AFK is good but sometimes an emergency is emergency 
Edited by TheSoloPlayer7
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I just played a solo duviri session on SP as a Volt With default mods. I do NOT recommend. I had a fully modded gladiator Kronen Prime, but I couldn't stack it in peace because the green light of death was always on me. It was literally unplayable, I died seven times and I ended up failing the Undercroft assassination. I hate the new Eximus with a passion and I'm not removing silence from all my builds until they fix it.

The point of this new enemy is to remove afk behaviour. Except the devs didn't consider there are many aspects of the game that require you to stand still. Hacking (especially in Sorties and Archon Hunts), mercy kills, stacking combo, lining up a precision headshot, using abilities that impair movement (Ivara's Navigator or Mesa's Peacemakers or Inaros' Scarab Swarm, to list a few). All these frames are literally unusable with the introduction of the new eximus.

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