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Thoughts on the New Armor Changes?

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So, I'll start on my thoughts first. I like that they unified the elemental weakness but I don't like the new armor changes, the enemies feel the same if not, easier to kill. Corrosive basically becomes somewhat more useless as viral+heat is just way better to use than corrosive due to armor cap.

Ex: Kuva Karak (With Corrosive) = 11k damage per shot to a SP Elite Grineer (lvl 185)  with 13 corrosive stacks (base max is 10)

     Kuva Karak (With Viral+heat) = 15k damage per shot to a SP Elite Grineer (lvl 185) with max Viral stack (Heat only needs 1 stack to remove 50% armor)

This is really sad because Grineer's elemental weakness is Corrosive but is doing less damage than the recommended elemental status and feels like a lie. Now I don't know how much the current elemental weakness bonus Dmg is, but with old armor each + towards the correct element used against that specified enemy was a 25% bonus damage, in which every enemy had an element with +3 (meaning you can get 75% bonus damage).

Here's the important part, with the old armor system you gained a hidden 75% damage ignore to armor when using the correct elements against an enemy. This will be that major point as to why I don't like the new change as heavy hitting weapons with little to no status like the Euphona Prime literally gets a massive nerf to this. The 75% ignore to armor was its only saving grace but now I need a primer to kill an enemy because it doesn't have the ignore to armor (My Euphona Prime took 1 clip to kill a SP Heavy gunner(lvl 185) with old armor system, but now it takes 2 clips) . But guess what? This also makes the new semi mods incredibly useless because you need some sort of armor stripping, an outside source of stripping just to kill enemies because the new mods lock rate of rate. Now this new armor system mainly affects armored enemies but this also means that bosses such as the Ambulas (is just 1 Example) will need some sort of armor strip because his weakness is Magnetic, using the correct elemental weakness is useless until you get rid of that armor. Even then I don't even think using the right elemental weakness is a good call as other status's will do a better job since there is no 75% ignore to armor (meaning every element will do the same Damage if he doesn't have resistance to it).

With the new armor changes it feels like they are really trying to push for primer weapons but I don't like that because you would need an AOE weapon just to prime enemies ESPECIALLY IN A HORDE SHOOTER (now I know this game isn't really focusing horde shooter but endless mission are more efficient in this type of loot shooter game). I see a primer as another AOE weapon (mainly because everyone uses AOE weapons to prime), it's a stealthy AOE weapon that helps clear hordes of enemies because in higher lvls it's a necessity to get pass those lvl 250+ SP enemies. DE has been trying to buff semi weapons because they just don't feel like they do anything in this game. Semi weapons struggle to take down heavy enemies, struggle with CC/clearing hordes, and have a slow ROF. They literally do nothing in this game and I'm talking about Semi-AR's not sniper rifles, the only reason snipers are more viable is their ability to stack combos for more damage. But the path that they are taking is making it less viable and doesn't help non-AOE weapons as they struggle to clear enemies as this games playstyle demands in higher lvl (as Killing is a better form of CC). 

But these are just my thoughts and well... IDK

Edited by Chamsgaming
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vor 51 Minuten schrieb Chamsgaming:

So, I'll start on my thoughts first. I like that they unified the elemental weakness but I don't like the new armor changes, the enemies feel the same if not, easier to kill. Corrosive basically becomes somewhat more useless as viral+heat is just way better to use than corrosive due to armor cap.

Ex: Kuva Karak (With Corrosive) = 13k damage per shot to a SP Elite Grineer (lvl 185)  with 13 corrosive stacks (base max is 10)

     Kuva Karak (With Viral+heat) = 33k damage per shot to a SP Elite Grineer (lvl 185) with max Viral stack (Heat only needs 1 stack to remove 50% armor)


you've got to the point yourself.
my acceltra with cold+corr(+cold 6m spread mod)+2 green shards
loses against
acceltra with heat+viral(slash proc mod removed) against eximus bombard sp lvl 190 greener?

but the system happily suggests that corr status should be good here?
and it can't be a simulation bug. I had the same experience in the game.

I'm still testing the other points. Or rather, they're still fixing bugs, and there are a lot of them, and it's the weekend.

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The current enemy scaling seems to be a buff to more beefy target like SP Jugs and Demos, except for Necramech Demos somehow🤔. I almost completely changed my incarnon Latron Prime build due to new mods and the increased health on enemies like Demo Devourer. My old Viral/Heat combo on it was replaced by cold for direct hit/Blast from the explosion while having the same armor strip evo due to blast being very strong currently and armor strip still mattering at higher levels. At lower levels, not so much.

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