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Jade's Glory on High ability


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I understand many people like the music that plays during Jade's Glory on High ability and that I am very much in the minority here however, it gives me a headache really quickly so it would be nice if there was an option to disable it/ have it so the music slider disables it, the only way to currently disable it is to mute all sound effects or mute the game entirely. I love playing Jade but I feel like I can't play her as often as I would like to as to avoid having constant headaches.

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I agree with the above! It gives me a such a headache.

It's very loud and I've tried manipulating my volume settings, but I couldn't find exactly what controls it: ultimately deciding to place the entire game on mute.

From what I gather, playing with a friend: that it's not just from the Player using Jade, but also fairly loud from other Player's perspectives as well. As they were looking for ways to adjust the volume as well.


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