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I would prefer game modes that do not promote people to AFK more than they already do.


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I know many are upset with the new game mode, especially after the nerfs to spawns and no longer being able to use loot-frames to obtain more arcane drops from the Sister. But, I think that the issue is more than that. The new game mode HEAVILY promotes laziness and a full AFK playstyle. It is a constant that in EVERY Public Ascension mission I have been in has had 2-3 players strictly afk on the elevator not even throwing batteries in. They only become active when the elevator reaches the top or when there are too many enemies on the elevator for their Wisp motes to keep them alive. Just to test the theory I watched in a mission as the elevator not move for 6 straight minutes until someone finally moved off of the elevator to find a battery. When confronted people blame the game instead of their own "someone else will do it" mindset. They feel that just the fact that they played Wisp and put her motes on the elevator, of which by the way IS NOT a defense objective people, that they are entitled to afk the ENTIRE ride up. They wont even throw a battery into the objective if it is sitting right next to them on the elevator. Players will refuse to do the one mission objective that there is and that is finding batteries/cells and throwing them at the objective.

I know this is not the only game mode with the problem where AFK is super prevalent.
Sanctuary Onslaught - Prime AFK town because of the way Affinity is shared and divided along Frame/Weapons based on how it was killed. It is widely known that this is one of the best places to level up weapons and frames. I know I do it. I do not expect people to get 300+ kills a round with under leveled weapons and frames but I expect more than 0. They shouldn't be able to freely slow down others Affinity gain and reap more benefits on their own.
Netracells  - This mission is an mainly issue for a different reason because people just blatantly kill outside the red circle and make the mission take 2-3 times longer, this probably falls more under the Griefing category. Yet people still just afk next to the cell and not kill anything at all. Not to mention the abysmal spawn rate of enemies near the Cells. I would rather a significant increase to spawn rate and lower charge per kill to artificially keep to mission time more similar at an optimal level  of current play just so players have something to do and increase the radius of the Netracell or at least add a passive gain rate.
Archon Hunts - People afk at the blocked off passage to the end fight until someone else kills and brings the keys.
Spy Missions  - Don't really even need too much of an explanation. People are just too lazy to learn how to do them. They just wait for the one person they are paired with to complete all of them for them. The mission type isn't bad, it is actually one of the easiest and fastest mission types to complete if you are in a group with people who spent any amount of time to learn them.

I would really just like to be able to report people for being afk or if it would be under the Griefing category. I do not know if the game already tracks APM or not but maybe that would help false reports. And if by someway they can only or more often be placed with other players that get reported constantly for being afk. The AFK reporting can decay over time so the more they are active the less they will be placed with other players that do nothing. I know it is not a perfect system and can probably be abused but it is similar to Low Priority queue in other games.

There just needs to be a way to either punish people who refuse to do anything to further mission objectives, or reward the ones that do them. People should not be rewarded for not respecting other people's time and effort put into the game. I don't expect only meta fine tuned to a tee gameplay. I just should be able to expect a modicum amount of effort out of people who queue for a mission. I join Public Missions to try to get the mission done quicker and easier not slower with added stress because you just stand there. I almost wish they rebugged the lasers to do more damage again so the people afking would die from the lasers easier and not get any mission rewards or the arcane from the Sister.

This doubles as a complaint to mission design and mainly a plead to players. It is not a complaint about wisp or players who play the frame I was merely giving the best example. Wisp is bae.

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On 2024-06-26 at 12:39 AM, Farron. said:

I would really just like to be able to report people for being afk or if it would be under the Griefing category.

Wdym ? It's right there https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us


OT: The AFK plague in Ascension is due to how bad this game mode is, added to the fact the game incentivize you to do endlessly for one month.

The spawns are so slow and AI so inexistent, there is simply not enough enemies for 4 (or 5) players. That's it. At any point in time, you can find 3 enemies if you're lucky. If you want to play actively, it's very likely you'll spend half of your playtime looking for enemies, 2% shooting at them, and the rest throwing cells to the elevator. If all players are playing actively ? Congrats, you won't find any enemy.

That's just how it is. As long as DE doesn't multiply the spawns by 10 or give the enemies proper AI, it will remain an AFK party until the event is gone, at which point it will become another grave of unused content where matchmaking never finds anyone.

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