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I Really Hate That Jade Light Eximus Enemies!! THE GREEN BEAM!, Instant Kills DEFENSE PODS on defense missions. (instant fail easy missions)

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I Apologize for making my paragraph unorganized and hard to read ahead of time

I Have nothing but HATE towards these enemy type, because they'll shoot out a green beam that deals high damage. Which that entire combat system for that enemy type would be completely fine, but the issue is if you're using a character that does AoE (I really don't need to move around as much) and you just Stand on the objective DEFENSE POD, a jade light is probably going to spawn on top of you and/or the objective Defense POD and health will drop from 27000>12000>to mission failed within the span of 3 to 4 seconds. It really make me not want to try again or start up a different mission just cause i lost a 25 wave DEFENSE mission's worth of EXP to one enemy type that can be anywhere in the map (within 10 to 15 meters from you)  and can spawn in a beam from anywhere (moves very slow which could stay in a pretty small area like the DEFENSE POD for a prolong time). I'm a casual player, doing simple missions, leveling up the original way as i did before the update, and i shouldn't be on alert for a JADE ENEMY to pass a lazer through my DEFENSE PODS, I REALLY shouldn't have to worry about that, BUT I SHOULD be worrying if i need to dodge the lazer or die to it. whether this intended or not, it's been big blunder to lose EXP for A COUPLE of Missions, I'm the dummy who stands on the DEFENSE PODs and cast AoE. I've ruined the missions for about 10 or more full player missions, and FOR A PLAYERS SOLUTION FOR JADE LIGHT EXIMUS BEAMS, DO NOT STAND ON, OR NEAR THE DEFENSE PODS, DO NOT RUN TOWARDS THE PODS WHILE THE BEAM FOLLOWS YOU. I can't listen to my own advice, and it's such a REPEATABLE MISTAKE for me. DEVELOPER SOLUTION, MY BEST SUGGESTIONS IS MAKE DEFENSE PODS IMMUNE TO JADE LIGHT EXIMUS BEAM. 

Missions I've fail these because of the JADE LIGHT EXIMUS BEAM, SINAI, Jupiter and TYANA PASS, Mars. 

Edited by CAP-SAE
small Gammer fix at the end
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To @CAP-SAE : "I'm the dummy who stands on the DEFENSE PODs and cast AoE."

At least YOU understood what happened...


@RLanzinger said in at least 2-3 others post (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V) :

The EXIMUS JADE beam track a tenno, when 2-3 beams hoover over the defense target, it get damaged... WhAt tO Do !?

You can shot at the beam top to disable it,

Move aside to attract it far from the defense target,

Tell the Dumbo that stay ON the target to NOT DO that anymore,

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