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Glyph Redeemer new version with some fixes and a few improvements




This is a follow up to this post talking about the program I made to redeem all the glyph codes for you, I'm making this new post since I've just updated it and I thought it was worth it talking about it once again.

You might not know about it but this is a small program I made a while ago as a side project to redeem all the glyph codes automatically and I've decided to share it 10 months ago and it has around 260 downloads which i really appreciate, since then I've updated a few things about it.

  •  You shouldn't get rate limited anymore by using this (worst thing that happened testing a bit was a captcha but i could still access warframe's site)
  • Working list of redeemed codes (you will have to run it at least once to save what codes you have, warframe doesn't provide a way of knowing this)
  • Whenever there is a new update you can download it by starting Glyph Redeemer again without having to go to the Github repo again (starting from the latest version,1.3.0)
  • It will fetch the updated codes when you start it (it was a .txt file before this version)

You can get it here: https://github.com/Noxde/glyph-redeemer

If you happen to try it and you have any issues with it please make an issue on the Github repo or send me a message here on the forums (i might take a bit to see it here), if you used it and liked it a star on Github would be appreciated.


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