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Warframe really need to change its mastery system.


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il y a 2 minutes, Hobie-wan a dit :

But the MR system in the game is core and it isn't going to change.

I think it can be subject to slight changes, it already has : quests are no longer MR dependant. But only small changes to that kind of degree. Unless they make something new altogether for a progression system, which the Mastery Rank is, in disguise, sort of.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

quests are no longer MR dependant.

Inb4 people doing MR0 "challenge" get the thread.

Warframe is F2P game that has multitude of items to obtain. The current MR locks are supposed to motivate new players to obtain new gear to experience more content and maybe at some point get some plat for slots*. You cannot simply dismiss one working system and not propose anything in return.


*) The amount of slots given to new players is too small for the amount of fun early game weapons worth keeping for later.

After 2400+ hours and LR4, I still have my starting items MK-1 Paris and MK-1 Kunai in top 10-15 "used" items (even though I did not forma or potato them) because I did not know I can just sell them and did not feel the need to replace them. Many new players are in the same boat.


Edited by Zakkhar
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As an LR4 myself: I don't understand what you're saying. You kept using them because you couldn't get rid of them? You never once saw that you could sell things for credits from your inventory?

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Stuff specters use seems to count towards your "most used" too - since my specter loadout items are in my top used, despite me having far more playtime using other weapons/frame.


Keeping weapons because you don't know you could sell them is also different from them being in the top used items..... (Though I find it difficult to believe someone could get too far in the game not realising they could sell weapons - but I do know it's not terribly obvious to new players that they can buy blueprints from the market for credits). 

Because stuff you keep isn't necessarily "used"....   I'm L4 too (since we're flexing) and I have a ton of crap I levelled up using affinity blessings/boosts/weekends, so I've "used" them once for like 15-30mins if that, but don't want to sell them because it would be annoying to have to get them again if I needed to for some reason... and those won't be anywhere near my top 10 used weapons.  I assume those would mostly be the weapons I like plus the Kuva/Tenet weapons because of all the formas.

But the top 10 most used is also not really a great measure, since if you use 1 or 2 weapons almost all the time, then there will just be a huge difference in the usage time of the top weapon (That you use a lot) and weapon #10 (which you've barely used).  So if you ran around using the Paris a lot as a newbie, and then switched to almost exclusively using ignis wraith for example, then it's not unreasonable for Paris to still be in the top 10 even if you've not touched it in years, simply because all the MR fodder weapons you leveled up in between were used for just a small amount of time they don't get near the top 10 of "usage" time.


But, back to the topic at hand.  You're not going to get MR changed to level up in your inventory gathering dust... Apart from anything else, imagine the outcry if they suddenly brought that in and people would whinge about the time they wasted levelling up their gear over the years.  Just do as others have said, and what I assume most people do - equip your crap gear, go to ESO/hydron or your mission of choice (or some prefer to go solo stealth kills) and try and do it with an affinity blessing/booster to make it less painful.

The whole point of it is to be an achievement for USING the thing, not just owning it - partly (I assume) to not only encourage people to actually play the game, but also to stop people just buying their way to MR30.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Salt_Rro said:

As an LR4 myself: I don't understand what you're saying. You kept using them because you couldn't get rid of them? You never once saw that you could sell things for credits from your inventory?

I kept using them because:

  1. I did not know I can build other weapons (buy BPs on the market and use mats)
  2. I did not know I can buy other weapons prebuilt straight for credits from Arsenal/Market.

New player sees the Plat icon everywhere and assumes that is the only way to get the weapons (at least I did so when starting - I already had a bit of experience with P2W and F2P games, so I was cautious).

I think I cleared most of the content with base Volt, Mk-1 Paris, Mk-1 Kunai and Bo + taxon, before I got hit with MR lock and had to research how to proceed. Imagine my surprise, when I realised what I should have been doing from the start.


I use wide variety of frames but Volt is still up there, because I kept using it for Eidolon hunting, Volt Prime is probably lower. With Primaries, I have several favourites and kept using them - I still have Ignis Wraith, Vectis Prime and Rubico Prime as my top 3, even though I do not use Vectis since I got Rubico and Ignis Wrath only occasionally. I am a Melee fan so, there my starting Bo went down pretty fast. Although my top 3 are Melee weapons I havent been using forever (Atterax, Mewan, Redeemer Prime).

Then I got a few new weapons, but realised my slots constrict me a lot, so had to keep a few slots constantly free for the incoming gear. I had multiple items precrafted in Foundry waiting for the free slot (which I was getting after mastering Pimary/Secondary/Melee set and either using the weapons as components to craft more gear or just selling them).


Funny thing I even did not know that you do not have to match polarities in the mod menu or equip anything in the empty polarity slots. 

What prompted me to research, learn and proceed was exactly the dreaded MR lock. If it was not for it, I would probably get bored with the same items over and over or frustrated at the difficulty level the at some point.

Edited by Zakkhar
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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, 0bsi said:

I'm L4 too (since we're flexing) and I have a ton of crap I levelled up using affinity blessings/boosts/weekends, so I've "used" them once for like 15-30mins if that, but don't want to sell them because it would be annoying to have to get them again if I needed to for some reason... and those won't be anywhere near my top 10 used weapons.

Same here, also similar story with lots of frames.

As for MR, it is not about flexing, it is about understanding the context. There is really no difference in terms of knowledge/experience and game experience with randomiser gear between LR4 like us, and someone who did not bother investing into getting all the weapons and ranking them up in 10 minutes. They may be MR16, 20 or 24 depending on the variety of items used, but that is it. If anything they will be having even easier time in EDA because of lower weapon pool.

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-07-04 at 6:11 AM, Vocation said:

 I generally find a load out I enjoy and play that as much as I can.

I'm the opposite, I create a unique loadout for every frame, which is also why I want to have a wide field of gear that is competetive instead of few OP ("meta") weapons that I use all the time. I think what makes Warframe great is its vast arsenal.

But each of their own!!! However I wouldn't criticize the MR from your angle. The highest MR you need to unlock gear is 12 or so, which is not that hard to reach. You still have lots of choice at every MR. You should be able to find something to suits you at all times.

I don't think DE created MR with MR grind in mind. More like a passive side effect showing a players experience in the game. Which isn't quite representative with your play style to be fair, but MR is not that big on a constraint in my point of view.

Maybe as a little compromise they could for every affinity gained, no matter if gear is using it, grant some MR. Because I also don't like how MR grind is encouraged with the current system. Players shouldn't grind gear if they don't even plan to use it.

Edited by supernils
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