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What Is The Point Of Doing Non-Question Mark Alerts?



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It's not like all of them are 500 credit rewards. They increase in value depending on the difficulty, that is the purpose of this. They just haven't figured out a way to guage an effective monetary value per each mission because they aren't done implimenting all the mobs, creating all the levels, creating all the varying difficulties, etc. etc.

Edited by FreakyChakra
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How about something like " Alert Credits " , can be used to purchase special items ?

like 20k for orokin catalyst ? (each alert giving around 500-1250)

Hey I like that idea of yours. Maybe more than 20k. Need experts to come out with a profitable ratio.

Also to create a credit sink maybe can create special alert missions where players will require to spent a ton of credits or a cash shop consumable to enter and maybe get a chance to get really solid stuffs like super powerful ancient orokin items. Reason for that is maybe that mission requires a special stealth ship to get you really close to that place so you probably know getting you there won't be free.

Another idea will be clans can build special clan ships that can bring members to special zones. These ships require freaking many materials and on top of that, your idea, "alert credit" to build. These special zones would be your classic "clan dungeons like most games had already implemented". Special materials can be found in these special dungeons which can be build into special items or even better upgrades to your pet or cards etc. So in short, these ships will be zone attunement and these zones will be raid content.

Edited by Ifreet
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Besides those credit rewards I guess some people (me included) like to do some random missions to get EXP or meet new people after you've grinded a certain mission over and over again (for EXP/drops/etc.).

Since connecting to other squads doesn't work all the time I still have those alert missions where I can be sure to play with other people.

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It could also be used as a tool to give platinum, make it a VERY small amount even 1 platinum. Every 20 you get a reactor or catalyst and would make everything grindable in the game if you chose to. People who buy platinum wont stop because they can slowly earn it simply because the platinum is there to get rid of the farming and those who wont buy platinum may actually start if they see a single $10 purchase could get them the rest of the platinum they need to buy a warframe rather than continue grinding for more platinum.

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I must agree with the OT, credits on alerts isn't worth much. I mean, I actually avoid any alert without a ? in it. Now, if alerts had higher drop chances of special mods I'd take them on, but the idea of alternate currency for special items, cards, artifacts whatever, seems like a much nicer idea so long as there's no BS limit on how many you can earn in a day or anything like that.

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