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Status effects not inheriting energy colors causes me physical pain.


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On 2024-07-24 at 2:41 PM, Okaazkul said:

@GeorgeFernellFrom Patch Note of Update 36 : Jade Shadow

I personaly agree to, at least, have the option to having the Energy Color changing the Status Effect visual or not.

This, just like the stupid auxiliary "solution" to the Invisibility cloak,  should have just been an options in the setting.

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I believe everyone is missing the goal of the change. Its consistency for visual recognition of statuses caused by weapons and abilities, especially in the case of new player orientation.

This is different for warframe effects for instance because frame abilities are incredibly specific to the warframe. So Dagath's doom can match your energy color because its only source and only use case involves with Dagath, whereas every single weapon in the game can utilize every status effect and consistently knowing what status is what is more important because the source ISN'T a unique use case basis.

In this, it's more important to the broad player experience to have consistent visual indicators on the status than colors that are wildly varied based on their weapons. It simply improves readability.

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On 2024-07-23 at 7:06 AM, nicolajtheking2 said:

(this is a copy-paste of a support ticket I've made that got "solved" by directing me here)


Hello, I have a handicap (Aspergers syndrome) which makes me visually inclined, this means I NEED to be able to see clearly what I am doing otherwise I get sharp pains in my brain, akin to getting a hot knife stabbed into it, over and over and over again, along with voices telling me to do things that will cause harm to myself...

As you can imagine this is quite unpleasant, I really want to continue to play the game but as it currently stands I simply can't do that for longer than 20-30 minutes at a time without having to leave my PC and take painkillers.

I would very much appreciate it if this could be reverted or for an accessibility option to be added that reverses the change so I can actually see what enemies I am hitting with my weapons again.

Case 1 is pre-jade shadows and Case 2 is post-jade shadows.

Case 1.
You have set your energy colors on your weapon to be purple and gold (very pale yellow), let's say you use heat on your weapon, now when you hit and trigger the heat proc then the heat proc would be purple and gold in coloration, easily identifying that you had hit the enemy since purple and gold colored fire is not used anywhere else in the game.

Case 2.
Same as above but now the fire from your heat proc is no longer purple and gold colored, but instead is the basic fire color which is very muted in comparison to the purple and gold that I use as an example, this makes it much harder for me in particular to easily identify if an enemy have been successfully procced with heat or not.

I’ve had this issue recently too. I play a lot of Qorvex and my energy colors are set to a light blue, but whenever I proc radiation on an enemy they become purple. I could’ve sworn that before Jade Shadows the enemies with radiation procs would glow with the same light blue that I had my energy colors set to. It’s been somewhat confusing for me, but generally if I see a Chyrinka Pillar I know that stuff is getting hit with rad procs. I definitely see being more frustrated with this on weapons.

Edited by GnomeSven
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13 hours ago, LastN_ said:

I believe everyone is missing the goal of the change. Its consistency for visual recognition of statuses caused by weapons and abilities, especially in the case of new player orientation.

Well stated, but no, I get the goal. I’m just not convinced that it actually eliminates confusion. Maybe it is less confusing for new players, but there is still possible confusion, e.g., radiation with synthesis target (which people frequently kill), or toxin with viral or gas. That’s why having an option would be helpful.

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On 2024-09-19 at 12:12 PM, LastN_ said:

I believe everyone is missing the goal of the change. Its consistency for visual recognition of statuses caused by weapons and abilities, especially in the case of new player orientation.

This is different for warframe effects for instance because frame abilities are incredibly specific to the warframe. So Dagath's doom can match your energy color because its only source and only use case involves with Dagath, whereas every single weapon in the game can utilize every status effect and consistently knowing what status is what is more important because the source ISN'T a unique use case basis.

In this, it's more important to the broad player experience to have consistent visual indicators on the status than colors that are wildly varied based on their weapons. It simply improves readability.

You seem to forget that there is people playing the game with visual disabilities, it is one of the reasons why we can even custom color our HUD and such, is it really so much to ask for a simple toggle in the options menu so people like me or those who miss it, to be able to have our custom colored effects back?

(Late reply since I've been playing a lot of SWBF:2 2005)

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On 2024-09-13 at 6:10 AM, (XBOX)indigovolvxx said:

I just wanted to say that I'm also sorry that people are being jerks to you about this post and I think you asking someone to leave your post for not contributing anything helpful and only arguing is completely valid. There's literally no reason for people to argue with you on this anyways, even if they claim to have the same condition (like gatekeeping, much?). It's nice that someone suggested changing graphic effects but its clearly not the best solution for you. I struggle with my vision as well and if something is off while playing a game, I'll get some head/eye pain, not nearly as intense as yours but i can definitely understand the discomfort.

The real solution is definitely for DE to have added this as an option in the visual settings. I don't see why they couldn't or "shouldn't", it obviously adds more accessibility to the game, and people who enjoy the aesthetic. 

Another note- people in this community put down others for wanting the devs to add littlest tweaks to the game. Don't listen to them. These people hate just to hate. As a heads-up I will not be responding to anyone arguing with me on this thread. 

its the way they go about it, as with many other things they comment on. I have my own lil dash of the tism but i have worked really #*!%ing hard to not let it influence how i live. OP has not shown the same and that to be frank pisses me off. That and I'm a blunt person in general(see the "dash of tism" but think a little more sociopath and RAD)

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22 hours ago, nixikuro_prime said:

its the way they go about it, as with many other things they comment on. I have my own lil dash of the tism but i have worked really #*!%ing hard to not let it influence how i live. OP has not shown the same and that to be frank pisses me off. That and I'm a blunt person in general(see the "dash of tism" but think a little more sociopath and RAD)

Ah yes... another gatekeeper for mental issues... as if there wasn't enough gatekeepers already here on the forums...

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