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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

Game Freezes When Selecting Dialogue in the first Cutscene

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I've closed and reopened the game about 4 times, every time I walk up to Lotus and try to select a dialogue option, it just stays on this screen that I'll leave a link to here. Is it the dialogue option "Are you okay" the thing that's freezing the game? Also had the game tell me I had a hard drive problem and wouldn't open before this, I ran Windows Diagnostics and it said no problems were found. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/815563425274003496/1275927961995837470/Warframe_8_21_2024_11_21_15_PM.png?ex=66c7ac03&is=66c65a83&hm=f86102c6baa16ff5c523efdf5c31c62ddbf8a7b734cb405513439bc3bad04629&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=2413&height=1357

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