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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

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Admittedly, as another thread is mentioning, the Lotus Eaters quest is basically nothing. But I might analyze what it did have anyways, and discuss something interesting I researched...

[Quest breakdown, go hop into Warframe for like 10 minutes if you wanna experience it yourself.] 


In the Sanctum Anatomica, you'll find Lotus at the edge of the sands singing. She's essentially received a phone call ordering her to kill Operator, and Operator and Drifter come over to check on her. Lotus tells the two, since Drifter is the "paradox", the version of Operator outside the "main" timeline and perhaps who directly interacted and made a deal with the current antagonist Wally... It would be Drifter to take the call, wandering around with Albrech's kavat in the 199 mall before eventually ejecting back to reality. Then you get Arthur's pager phone before going back to opening your relics and your Netracells while waiting for Digital Extremes Loid to finish preparations for what's to come.

So the question is... What's a Lotus Eater? In Greek mythology, they were a race of people who lived on an island. Eating fruit from the lotus tree, they slept in blissful unawareness. The only one that "sleeps" is Operator, but they're not really a factor here. More metaphorically, it can be someone who would live in luxury rather than dealing with practical concerns... Perhaps it could refer to Lotus (or whatever you decided to call her post-New War) wishing to be ignorant of what she was being commanded to do, but admittedly it feels like a bit of a stretch to say.

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