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Harmony’s Trait not working

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On PlayStation at least, and probably all platforms, harmony’s special trait doesn’t activate about 80% of the time if you’re not the host. Kinda ruins the weapon, hope it’s something that can actually be fixed given that it probably originates from delay. 

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I did some testing with Harmony and Kullervo, I never seen the effect proc either, however how noticeable is the proc?

It would be nice if It did some green explosion to denote it proccing.(or energy color) 
and if there is a visual or auditory proc.. then I agree it doesn't occur at all.

EDIT: I guess you could watch the Slash/Heat/Toxin Stacks Vanish? but that's too much effort when Kullervo 1 shots.
Perhaps do some testing in simulacrum and low damage stacking the status' and then see if they get used up each time.

(Everyone said to build Status Duration, yet It always lowered my damage numbers, granted I was playing Kullervo and Large Crit Numbers are everywhere so.. even if it procced I'm sure I wouldn't have noticed. Even if Status Duration works on the Special Trait.. other mods just outperform for a SINGLE hit build as Kullervo does.)

Edited by qwaszxcvbnm7
added Simulacrum suggestion
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No it’s quite obvious. When solo or host, heavy attack. You’ll do 2 damage instances and there should be no slash proc on an enemy because it’s consumed. Now do it when you aren’t the host, there will still be a slash proc on the enemy and you’ll only get one damage instance on the initial hit instead of 2. With the proper build you can stick about 11 slash procs on an enemy on heavy that are immediately consumed, meaning you should NEVER see them. However when you’re not the host, you will. No testing required cause it’s obvious from the start

edit-based on what you quoted it seems you misunderstood what I was saying. This is an issue specifically with the weapons trait not activating when you are not the host, likely due to the delay in connection even if both you and the host have a great connection, so I honestly don’t even know if it’s fixable. Also best enemy to notice it is the thrax on void cascade, since they won’t just, you know, die immediately like most other enemies. 

Edited by darkrider580
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