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Obs Issues.



Just figured I'd post it in this section out of all of them. Has anyone been having issues trying to stream since the last hotfix? Before this update I was able to stream just fine using OBS, however, since the update OBS loves freezing the second I attempt to stream with Warframe being one of the displays. Any sort of help would be appreciated.

Edit: I've figured out that Software Capture doesn't seem to work for Warframe any longer, which.. is peculiar. However, Game capture seems to work on and off, for me at least.

Edited by Mitala
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Just figured I'd post it in this section out of all of them. Has anyone been having issues trying to stream since the last hotfix? Before this update I was able to stream just fine using OBS, however, since the update OBS loves freezing the second I attempt to stream with Warframe being one of the displays. Any sort of help would be appreciated.

Edit: I've figured out that Software Capture doesn't seem to work for Warframe any longer, which.. is peculiar. However, Game capture seems to work on and off, for me at least.

I tried recording with OBS as well, but couldn't get either the Game Capture OR Software Capture to work with Warframe. On top of that, Dxtory crashes the game. I just generally had bad experiences with trying to record this game and I have no clue why.

Only thing I can recommend is to stick whatever is currently working for you until it doesn't work, although that advice is a bit moot.. >.>

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Continuing off of this, I've noticed a 10 FPS tank in my streams the second I bring up Warframe. At first I thought it was just something screwey with my CPU, but as I continued to monitor the FPS dispaly on OBS, it'd drop from 60 to 50 the instant I open Warframe. Not sure if they've done something peculiar with the backend to make it play so meanly with OBS or something, but I hope it gets fixed soon. I haven't been able to stream warframe reliably lately due to the fact that it slows both itself, and the stream with how it acts up now.

Edit: Just for informational purposes, can everyone start leaving their video card statistics for me, I'm experimenting with something really quick that just hit me.

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Okay, I know, double posting, all that jazz. I just figured I'd give an actual update in regards to progress with fixing OBS, and this odd performance issue I've been having with Warframe as of late, all in one fell swoop. It seems that the newest backend updates have made it so Warframe gets really finickey if you're using an AMD card without the 13.2 Beta Drivers. (I haven't tested 13.1 drivers, so I don't know if those fix the issue or not). HOWEVER. I discovered this from looking at my clock speeds, where Warframe was limiting them at 400/800 GPU/Memory for some odd reason, this was with the 12.11 drivers. However, I have updated to the 13.2 drivers and seen my performance return, as well as OBS streaming at 30 FPS again.

I hope this helps other people, and as far as I know, the issue is now solved.

Please note: Software capture is still iffy, Game Capture in the 64 bit version of OBS seems to work fine.

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