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Valkyr Theory


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So ive conducted a warframe theory Sherlock homes style. Ever notice how Valkyr has stalkers helmet impanted inside it by corpus? Well in a livestream they mention that Valkyr or then known as the beserker, It was said to a attempt by corpus headed by alad V to make Corpus stalkers. If you think about it most of her abilities are well drawn from hate. Sounds like a certain someone that begins there name with S. So I have drawn a couple of conclusions about Valkyr: 


1. Shes stalkers girlfriend

2.Shes has anger issues

3.Shes the closest thing to a Evil frame players can have


Ive also noticed some "trends" with a player. He goes my the name swiss roll and he has a lanka  and a ingnis fused together and a brakk with the range of a lex. Ive also noticed in conclaves she has infinite energy. Her abilities are also augmented. For example or paralisis is makes you suffneiflty slower then rhino. Her ripine has infinite range and last forever until it hits a wall. So I asummed. She was a hacker so I left and went on a stealth run (solo) and she pmed saying "Im not done with you..". I assumed she was messing with me, so I presumed with my stealth run and I got a prompt and

it said swissroll has joined the game. She purposely set off alarms killed everyone(it was terminus). The strangest part was instead of being highlighted blue when she was behind something she was red..blood red. Apparently she got all the reward(2000 because she stole it) and all I got was a nano spore. So I went to a invite only conclave when she joined without invitation from me and said "your my favorite". That creeped me out alone. Instead of the people I ivited I was in a room with swiss that looked like a mastery testing room exept evrthing was eitherred or black. I said "where am I?!" I left and rejoined and went to captian vor because now hes only lvl 3-5 and I got a stalker incounter but he didn't attack....instead he was in dojo idle. He said nomal things like hello and talked about the game and heres the kicker: he said " I see you met my girlfriend swiss". Instantly I typed "WHAT!?" and he left saying stalker disconnected. I looked on the forum name list but no swiss roll.


So inconclusion, Valkyr and stalker are dating. How evilly romantic.


Post if you ever head of swiss roll before. AND not the treat!     

Edited by spysweeper242
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