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We Need A Way To Get Warframe And Weapon Slots Without Platinum


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I just think that those slots are so important to have (especially the warframe slots) that only being able to get them through platinum really sucks.  


Don't get me wrong, I do buy platinum, I haven't invested much into the game, I think around $60-$70.  However, it's clear to me that extra weapon and warframe slots need to be able to be acquired without platinum.


Probably just make them blueprints and make people build them, just like everything else.  Even if it's just through event missions, as long as those events come up often enough, it should be enough.  

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Well they are always talking about tying in slots to mastery but it still hasn't happened yet.


Also, now with trading, there is a way to get platinum in game without spending real money so you can sell a few mods/keys and buy slots with the proceeds.


I'm personally fine with them being platinum only. I wouldn't work for free.

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Warframe is F2P with a shop focussing on cosmetics rather than game breaking weapons or armor. That said, the developers need to have some income and slots are probably the main reason (besides Founder/Prime Access) for buying Platinum in the first place. The only thing you could argue with is the horrible exchange value if you do not apply a discount. With 50% discount the prices become reasonable with 75% as a very nice bonus to get Platinum for cheap. Now that you can trade for Platinum, is there really room for this request? A warframe slot costs 20 Platinum. That is the value of a maxed "rare" (I guess we'd need terms like super rare or ultra rare in relation to the really common rare mods) or four to five T3 keys. Seriously, it shouldn't be a problem to get a slot these days.


On another note: Does DE have something like a donation option? I'd give them a bit of my money if that would allow them to rethink the server-side vs client-side problem. It's getting harder and harder to play with random people these days, as if we've gone back to the old 56kbit/s days ...

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On another note: Does DE have something like a donation option? I'd give them a bit of my money if that would allow them to rethink the server-side vs client-side problem. It's getting harder and harder to play with random people these days, as if we've gone back to the old 56kbit/s days ...

I don't think that's anything to do with DE at all.


The way the game handles things, each player is part of a link and the host is the "server" that the game runs on. As an english speaker, you probably play with a lot of people in the US.


Currently, a vast majority of the US is under a severe weather front that's lasted a few weeks, blanketing everything with tons of snow and ice. The various collateral damages from this mean that, amongst other things, internet traffic has new and interesting issues caused by various physical interruptions to the actual infrastructure. For example, the hub routers in georgia have been offline for almost two weeks, which means that all traffic they formerly handled is now being rerouted through other places, causing congestion that can grow or shrink as other various weather-related issues creep up across the nation.


Hence, the weather is adversely affecting everyone whose information is routed through it, This almost certainly includes your own, and most of the players who do speak english.


If you're not playing with people from the US, it's still possible that overspill issues could be affecting you.


So, all that being said, it *is* possible DE needs to work on things, but US internet service has been, by all available metrics, relatively spotty since mid-november.

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Although I'm humbled to be called an English speaker I'm actually from Austria (Europe). It still might be an issue even when connecting to people within a 1,500 km range due to weather and such (though we should have a more stable connection since our cables are underground) but it would be nice to have such an option nonetheless. A server-side handling of the mission might at least log some cheating/exploits that might have occured during some events. But discussing that would go way too offtopic.

Edited by MikaelM
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  • 3 months later...

Just because you can trade for platinum (something not everyone agrees with, for various reasons) doesnt mean it should be the only way to get slots.  That just enforces the pay-to-play mentality that doesnt really apply.


I'm sure allot of us can all agree (whether we have bought platinum or not) that the intial 2-3 warframe slots (presuming you use starter to buy atleast one) really is very limiting given the current growth.  Now being able to gain another 2-3 warframe slots (and/or 5-8 weapon slots) through play (be it mastery/planet completion/whatever) doesnt negate the desire to buy more slots or trade for platinum to buy those slots.  It does however give a good basis to show that players can earn some of them.


I'd never be for gaining unlimited slots through play, but given the number of warframes and weapons released (particularly limited or hard to obtain warframes/weapons) is ever increasing having a few extra slots players can earn through playing the game may alleviate some of that pay-to-play mentality.

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The way I see it is that slots are plat only and should stay that way but with the introduction of trading plat you can get slots for FREE now. It just depends on how dedicated you are to not spending any money to supporting the devs. If you dont want to mess with trading then I suggest go and spend some money and buy lots of slots as they are the most useful item to buy.

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I just think that those slots are so important to have (especially the warframe slots) that only being able to get them through platinum really sucks.  


Don't get me wrong, I do buy platinum, I haven't invested much into the game, I think around $60-$70.  However, it's clear to me that extra weapon and warframe slots need to be able to be acquired without platinum.


Probably just make them blueprints and make people build them, just like everything else.  Even if it's just through event missions, as long as those events come up often enough, it should be enough.  




DE's gotta eat.


What, you mean DE's gotta buy yachts?  The myth that f2p games are charitable needs to go the way of the dodo.  DE will not go out of business if slots were acquireable for free.


Frankly, if DE is having any trouble, it's because they abuse player goodwill with gougetastic prices and grindy content, not because they're too generous.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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