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Summoner Warframe(Real Summon, Not Like Necros)(+Art)


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Ok. I would like to start this topic with some thanks to DE so we have somethink like summoner class in game but this is not enough for REAL SUMMONER gamers. So I Think for a month(Ok not for a month it was rly more time than I was expected. It was started with a oughtline at the end of june. However it was no so bad timespending. And there was just an idea about new frame created by me.) how to solve this problem, and my brain imagined a solution for this problem- summon class in the game. Yeah it's sounds stupid but this is only i imagined to start a topic.
So ok first this summoner have only one pet and all skills are worked for pet, and his master. So if it will be 2 of this class inside one room use the one of skill buffs(switchers) and this will be 2 buffs for pet and one heal with debuff, that is not work for the ally pet. Other think. Pet have his own shield and healt data, and it must showed in some corner of the screen.


I think for some time and have some idea of stats for warframe exactally:

Health - 50 [150 at rank 30]

Power - 150 [250 at rank 30]

Armor - 100

Shield capacity 50 [150 at rank 30]

Sprint speed - 1

Polarities -

"-" - aura []

4x ",," - skills

"V"- for focusing "it's important for pet's damage"

"/\" - for armor Steel Fiber "important for you and for pet"


So there are skills of our frame:

[1]- Summoning our pet.

It will attack all his owner attacks or protect from attaking enemies. With maximization it's changed health armor and shield data of our pet. By default this will be some X* of frame data. I was not think about frame options so some of forum men could make a favor and think about it ^_-. And for more details. First skill could be used at least by 1000000 times for teleport summon to u coz of understandable reason(stuck, attacking enemies, and he too far from u and bump in door or wall, but if it was alredy called then he will have data like he has in recalled time, mean if he has 10/400 health then when it will be near of u he will have 10/400 health. And after it was broken it need tome to been repaired. So if it was destroyed u need 15 sec for full repair of pet and summon him. 

[2]- Directive "Protector/Agressor".

Pet buff(I call it switcher coz it's rly switcher. Other command are switchers so i do not know how it could be called buffs but I have no other explain for this). Called transformation. The point is:
parameters of shield and armor are increased, while greatly reduced attack of pet. During use, all the enemies start attacking pet(it use some noise sound for enemies, or some other reason, for tech enemies like corpus).
Changes the appearance of the duration of the skill, Daubal massive plates, clean nails, increasing protection.
It's somethink like swithcer. It does not have time to reload, as permanent. This means that the pet can be switched from the the protection mode into attack mode. that would greatly increase his attack, reducing the shields and armor, as well as removing the aggressive mode for enemies. automaticly used with summoning in agressive mode. With Maximization it's chaged attack or armor and shield data for pet. This chages pet stats 75% to 25%. It mean if u have 100 damage and 0 defence in "ageressor" than u will have 75% defense and 25% damage in "tank". And this about all attacking mean damage crit chance crit damage fire ratio and other and life support data includes health armor shield.

[3]- Directive "repair".

Pet buff - heal and powerfull enemies debuff. This is skill that make your pet repair. While it repaired it stun enemies by terrible sound with electromagnetical waves that make command links for tech enemies does not work. Upgrading skill changes possible amount of health regeneration for pet and radius for immobilizes enemies, so the new enemies is comming will use some protection to be not stuned. And this mean's that upgrade of skill with "focus" mod enables to stun all enemies while the skill is used. It's works only if the health of pet is changed, so it could not be always used. Coz pet is complex technical device having artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence will take the command to recover, if he need it only. However Recover always goes for a certain time, in order to find the damage and repair it (I think it will be nanobots) always requires a certain amount of time. And it could be used with minimal and maximal damage for health of our favourite pet.

[4]- Directive "Total destruction".

As a result, this comand makes pet begin use its full potential of weapons and destroying opponents one after the other, but it makes it immobile, and it can be destroyed by enemies surrounded him. Reduces the parameter protection and shield, greatly increasing the armor, and also begins to use a laser rifle gun like supra from corpus, with high fireratio, and do not good accuracy weapon for medium range, grenade launcher for big distanses- it's slow but wery accurate weapon, and undermine in a small radius around those devices. Changing the face of pet turning it into a stationary turret. Attaking 10(at maximum of mod) visible for turret enemies (for big distans grenade launcher, for close- powerful gun somethink like corpuses supra. Coz this is an ultimate attack it must be timed but I have solution. It could not be repaired in this mode, so if a lot of enemies will attacking it it will be destroed and could not be summoning for some time, while nanobots repair it. Maximilization is changed damage and armor of turret pet up and downed health and shield data's. In % ratio of course. It attack 10 enemies at maximilization, and make mine ring around turret that changes number of mines, radius and damage increases by mines and other 2 type weapons (coz there not 2 guns shooting by rocets and lazers). and this is skill has has rollback 10 sec and the time required for the application 10 sec. It's too long, but for returning in previous form it's need 5 sec. In this form pet has 100% of his full power attacks, 20% of healt 25% of shield and 50% armor.

What about the other abilities or simply directives, not all directives can be used without calling the pet, namely directive "repair", as if nothing is intended, then repaired it can not be logically. Directives "tank / aggressor" and the "Total destruction" of a pet can call directly as a tank or turret. With repeated use of these skills is not recalling pet it transformed into aggressive mode


If some DE will read it and think that it could be in the game please do not change mechaniks that I describe here too much. It's really summoner, and it must always have his pet. If u do a lot of guns, and usual frames like oberon and other, perhapse u will spend some your time you spend to create some needless new gun, or other usless think, and will create this like I describe. I do not say that you do is not good, but there too much useless stuff in the game. I think it must be other mechanicks in the game. but I will say it after some time. Mean in game mechanick I was describe coz I think about numbers of using and timer while it works. This will not work normally, and makes normal idea I describe a trash.

Historical facts:
"As a result of the Alad V failure on Jupiter Zanucka's parts was explored by Tenno . Combining them with the results of the hyena's and other corps robotic blueprints , Tenno developed their answer to Zanuka . Smart enough Tenno able to adapt his mind to control artificial intelligence " predator " (possibly code name of pet ) he changed his warframe suit to simplify thier cooperation with summoned creature . As a result of costume changes , vitals owner declined , however full control of summond creature compensate his weaknesses. Hi is hunter. And he could hunt all of our enemies"

And of course art:

And I was draw new concept. And I add color inversion to make it look more stealthy. It's rather different from previous but it's look's better in my mind so there it is:


And this pic without effects


And new concept view. I draw it from my prev pic and this is makes after I draw he in action. So you can see him standing at full height. Here he is


This is all was previous versions. I do not like draw animals even they are robots :D





So If u like this, and wanna thanks me for work please quote for this post, and perhapse he will be your's ^_^
PS. If some good photoshoper will make some colors it will be cool, coz I have no photoshop skills :D
PSS In some facts about ninjas we could find that they was specially traind dogs for special missions.

Edited by ltnrfs
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Looks good and is a cool idea :)

thanks man)) 

And by the way I have an idea for this frame appearance so I could write it if it will be interesting for somebody


No Sarcasm really enjoyed the pics :) and brought back some childhood memories.

So it really cool))

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This is an AMAZING idea, and your concept art is absolutely amazing as well... Are you planning to refine it further?

I think I wrote all could be wrote for this, but I wanna colorfull pictures from man normally working with photoshop and it will be good if it will have some normal characteristics for frame exactally and calculation pet modes by them. and thanks for your words, I appreciate that))

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As it is a summoner I feel it is too gimped and way too focused on its summon. It should be a summoner/support enchanter type. The summon's shield should auto recharge like a normal Warframe or sentinel (if it has any shields). Your other skill should be like a small heal pulse to heal your summon, yourself and your allies/teammates.


Afterwards if you want maybe let it have a debuff as well. I know I said it should be an enchanter/support and summoner type Warframe but giving it a debuff can help support your summon and team mates in battle. The debuff could be a slow or maybe a DoT or perhaps both.... Or a stun. The last skill is the uber type or it can be another buff or debuff but on a massive scale.


These are just some input since most summoners are also a debuffer/enchanter as well.

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As it is a summoner I feel it is too gimped and way too focused on its summon. It should be a summoner/support enchanter type. The summon's shield should auto recharge like a normal Warframe or sentinel (if it has any shields). Your other skill should be like a small heal pulse to heal your summon, yourself and your allies/teammates.


Afterwards if you want maybe let it have a debuff as well. I know I said it should be an enchanter/support and summoner type Warframe but giving it a debuff can help support your summon and team mates in battle. The debuff could be a slow or maybe a DoT or perhaps both.... Or a stun. The last skill is the uber type or it can be another buff or debuff but on a massive scale.


These are just some input since most summoners are also a debuffer/enchanter as well.

So u feels are right coz I do not wanna a giant guard and usual frame. This is true summon class and all his skills are working for group even it's not buffs or debuffs for group. Try to be more attentive, healing skill is debuffing enemies, this is only the best idea for debuff to summon i could not find better solution. I do not wanna second necros, coz this is not summon. Necros is somethink strange neither fish flash nor fowl. thnks for your idea but it is not for this summon frame. Imagine yourself and think about summon support. But for me it was important that will be independent pet that you needed in a pet and he is in you. It will be no changes in skills, Just add somethink or take out somethink excess. And u think typically. And it was important that it will be no typical.

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What I have suggested is about summon support but at the same time it also supports the team as well. I never compared your idea to Nekros, but ok, what ever.


The descriptions you wrote for some of the skills is good, but at times, it just seems like an OP summon/pet skill. Try to think balance. Your response seems a bit broken in language but anyway, while my thinking seems "typical" it is also about balance. From what I read in the skills description, it seems one-sided.


Or maybe I'm just not understanding it.

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What I have suggested is about summon support but at the same time it also supports the team as well. I never compared your idea to Nekros, but ok, what ever.


The descriptions you wrote for some of the skills is good, but at times, it just seems like an OP summon/pet skill. Try to think balance. Your response seems a bit broken in language but anyway, while my thinking seems "typical" it is also about balance. From what I read in the skills description, it seems one-sided.

Or maybe I'm just not understanding it.

I misunderstood what unbalanse u saw here? I write all in details how and why. This is summon not support. He is not usual class. All his skills are work for his pet. Perhapse it's too difficult to uderstand or I wrote somethink wrong. But it will be no changes in system. All in balance. This is owner class. And I think about if i will no lie to u from this summer. It was started by picture. Then I try to draw it better then it was. It changes for 4 month untill novemer. in november I read in ther games about summon system. I play for some other games to see what could bve added and what could be modified to warframe. So if u think that u could imagine better system while u look for 4-5 minutes in post then me worked on it for month(and this is only about summon system) -ok good luck to u)) This is summon class and it must have summon skills. All are good and I will change only numbers of indicators or make somethink easyer to understanding. No more
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  • 2 weeks later...

So I draw absolutely new pic. It's looks better than all previous, And I will make some full pic will shows how it look by bihind. And I will redraw our animal (mean pet) wanna make it more infested, and I think that this view is the last. And I will draw new alt helmet, coz there is one on some previous pictures you can see it)) So thanks all who look for this post

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