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[Warframe Concept] "odyss" - An Orokin Creation From The Old Earth Writtings - Art Included


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Hello everyone. 

Here is my concept for a warframe based on "The Odyssey". Her powers take inspiration from the adventures of Ulysse during his 10 years travel. 





Odyss would be a warframe made on Earth by the Orokin after they visited the old Greek ruins. She would be like a living book, taking advantage of the memories of a mythic warrior. 



I'm thinking about a tank caster warframe. Solid, slow, with great crowd control opportunities. 


  -Health : 300 at rank 30

  -Shields : 300 at rank 30

  -Armor : 170 


  -Power : 200 at rank 30


  -Stamina : 8.0

  -Sprint speed : 0.9



As said previously, they come from the Odyssey and are meant to provide a great crowd control. 


  - Blinding Arrow - energy 25 - Odyss creates an energy bow and shoots a powerful light arrow in a straight line, with no fall and no travel limit except walls. This arrow punches through enemies. 

All enemies who are stricken by the arrow will take 150/200/250/300 puncture damage and will suffer from blindness for 4/5/6/8 sec (stun).

In the Odyssey, Ulysse blinds the Cyclope with a stake, but I prefer an energy bow than a big stake spawning from nowhere.



  - Punishment - energy 35 - Odyss distorts the appearance of one enemy, making him seem menacing to his mates and forcing them to attack him. 

       -> Would create an infested charger -like energy aura around the target. 

The targetted enemy would display aggressive and unstable behaviour, attacking his mates and the players with no distinction but with only random melee attacks, acting as a mad animal.

In the Odyssey, Circé changes Ulysse's companions into pigs.



  - Siren's song - energy 75 - This ability is why Odyss would be a Tank warframe. She emits an acoustic hypnosis, forcing enemies to come at her from a long distance. The song would last 6/7/8/10 sec and enemies would not attack until it's over. 


She could run, taking more and more enemies behind her, and would be able to use her weapons. There would be a very little "stun" time at the end of the song. 



  - Sinking - energy 100 - Odyss unleashes a powerful energy wave, distorting the air and bringing a strong tempest. 

This skill would have two phases and would last long, so Odyss would be able to move during this ability.

  -> Phase 1 : a heavy fog appears from the ground (wide area of effect) and slowly goes up. During this phase, enemies in the AoE would loose accuracy, and enemies outside would be forced to come closer to be able to aim properly. Duration : 10 sec

  -> Phase 2 : The cloud above brutally darkens and releases a violent rain and three random lightning shocks seperated by 3 seconds, enventually hitting enemies. During this ability every electric damage benefits from a 1.5x/1.7x/2x/2.5x increase, including electricity mods and Volt's attacks. 

Duration : 12 sec. 

Three seconds after the third lightning drop, a strong thunder clap is heard and the ground shakes instantly, dealing 500/550/600/700 blast damage to enemies in the AoE and making them fall to the ground. 


Cast animation : Nekros "Shadows of the dead"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I would be glad to read your thoughts on my concept, and I'm coming back soon for some sketches ! 


Cheers ~

Edited by DeadScream
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How would your uber look/function inside of a tiny room or hallway?

Exactly the same ? 

Maybe more condensed effects in a tiny room though. 


And you know, if it was only me, I would say something like : "If it's in a hallway, the ability fits the map's configuration and spreads along the corridor.."


Still, just like Frost's snow globe, this would not be a skill you are meant to use in a linear mission, but more in a Survival, a defense or a boss fight.

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Working on the siren's song, i would like some help to make it viable. 


As it's attracting enemies to you, it would for sure be very dangerous for other players nearby and for a cryopod, that's why it would not be possible to sing close to a cryo. 


Please tell me : 


- Should we be able to use our weapons during the song ? 


- Should it stun the enemies for a while after the song ends ? 


- Should we be able to run during the song ?


Thanks for your advices ~

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Working on the siren's song, i would like some help to make it viable. 


As it's attracting enemies to you, it would for sure be very dangerous for other players nearby and for a cryopod, that's why it would not be possible to sing close to a cryo. 


Please tell me : 


- Should we be able to use our weapons during the song ? 


- Should it stun the enemies for a while after the song ends ? 


- Should we be able to run during the song ?


Thanks for your advices ~


Weapons, definitely. If you can't shoot then during the stun, then it's just redirection. Although if you can rain down the fire on them while they're hypnotized, then there probably shouldn't be a lasting stun afterwards (maybe just a short animation of them "waking up" that counts as a mini-stun and lets Odyss get some distance between her and the mass of enemies that suddenly realize she is not, if fact, a sexy mermaid). As for the movement, being able to run while the song is in effect would make for some nice train-making opportunities. Also, if the player is rooted to the spot while in an area with an ungodly pile of dudes-which, you would think, is the optimal place for it-then they're going to be trapped in a giant pile of enemies once they stop chasing the fish-lady. Hope this helps.

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