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New Faction:anti Tenno


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So lets say some tenno didn't like the order so they left and mader ther own. Each one of them is a reflection of a palyer with all movements, knowledge of tactics, warframes, and weapons. Here are some protoptypes:


Anti-Ninja:a ash/loki with a distinct helmet


Sheilds: 400   


Weapons: bo , dual skanna, or a Cernos 




1:smoke bomb stuns player for 10 seconds

2:inivisibilty with a very brief outline


Anti-Support: Nyx or trinity in robes with a distinct helmet





Weapons: Boltor, Orthos or a Kama




Trinity: antient healer radial heal 

Nyx: antient disruptor disrupt


Anti-tank: a bigger rhino with a distinct helmet 





Weapons: Nerfed orgis, Fragor or galatine




1: Rhino stomp


2: Iron skin with less duration


Anti-assault: a mag or ember with a distinct helmet 







Mag: Pull V2


Ember: Nerfed fire ball



Anti-strategist: a vuaban or volt with a distinct helmet


Health :100

Sheilds :1000


Weapons: Lanka,Dera or a supra




Both: encourage: will make teamtes do more damage

Vauban: plasma grenade

Volt: Lighning bolt


Anti-necromancer: A very tall nekros with a creepy helmet

Health: 200



weapons:ether reaper, ether sword, or dual cleavers





1:shadow of the dead:resurects dead anti tennos


2:soul punch


Anti beserker: a male valkyr with a slightly different helmet



Sheilds: 90


Weapons:Furax, kogake or sobek








Anti-caster: a frost with a distinct helmet








2:Ice wave



Anti-Prime:a frame with all the armor pieces of the current prime frames





Weapons: Reaper prime, Sicarus prime and Braton prime



1:over heat

2:radial javelin

3:snow clobe



Anti-stalker: a blue stalker that will join in a cell and help fight against anti tenno


That's my ne faction-





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Eh, I prefer this other guy's idea of having multiple different Stalkers so teams of more than one Tenno can each get matched up with one and they aren't all the same thing every single time. As others have said, Stalker and his ilk pretty much are already the "anti-Tenno", but if you want more "anti-Tenno" I'd prefer something like new automated Zanucka models, or perhaps even a Grineer attempt at reverse-engineering Tenno technology.

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Eh, I prefer this other guy's idea of having multiple different Stalkers so teams of more than one Tenno can each get matched up with one and they aren't all the same thing every single time. As others have said, Stalker and his ilk pretty much are already the "anti-Tenno", but if you want more "anti-Tenno" I'd prefer something like new automated Zanucka models, or perhaps even a Grineer attempt at reverse-engineering Tenno technology.

Illl sleep on it

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I think the idea is good but people r right the stalker is as anti-tenno as it gets. however if there were factions with in the tenno that would be cool, like those who follow the lotus or those who branch off like the stalker... maybe even follow the stalker...

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