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Old Peacekeeper And Defender. Cenruo


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I don't really have any cool names at my disposal right now but if somebody invents one go ahead say one. So that one will be temporal.




Cenruo warframe has been classified and counted as the deadliest of the warframes on the lethal combat by mastering martial arts, distraction, pretending, lie and manipulate. The enemies. Mostly designed for security missions at the war between Stalker's kind and Tenno. They have had been hiding among Grineer, Corpus and Tenno away from line of sight of their true nature. Cenruo warframe has for a long time have had highest authority of using lethal force between Tenno, enemies or innocent.


This means that Cenruo were not part of the war between Stalker's kind and Tenno they were peacekeepers but don't worry Stalker is willing to challenge you to prove who is the better man on arms.


Mastery over now... They have had been provoken to action... Grineers and Corpus has increased the amount of taken warframes. And now they are paying dearly. Lotus found one of the Grineer warframe cryopod founds extremely alerting the video had caught unimanigeable brutal deaths of Grineer kind at the last few pictures few of the Cenruo warframe carriers on the action. Punishing the Grineers from what they have done.


Then Lotus got message from Grineer commanders and Corpus commanders that they are under heavy class attacks and they wants to Lotus to stop their attacks on their armies and give order to fall back to home.




This is Cenruo Defender and the Killer.


Focusing on commanding, information, crowd control and deflecting harm from himself or allies on the battlefield. Cenruo's are wielded with commanding module and radio module for highlighting targets, allies or objects within the range mastery over martial arts, acting and communication has made them Relic class danger warframes to any kind of enemy these organized warframe users are extremely vicious and tenacious. When endangered they have had been rumored to have sixth sense.


Riot Control


Cenruo deploys large energy shield to cover small part of area all enemy fire aimed toward Cenruo will be blocked by the large energy shield allied firing will be able to go through allowing mobile cover for allies who have wounded a bit or are downed while Cenruo is holding the shield he is able to beform melee attack that knocks the enemies in front of the shield on their backs dealing minor damage. Shield comes from right wrist and covers the direction where you aim or look. Remember enemies and your allies are able to move through the shield.


Tear Gas


Cenruo launches a machine containing Tear gas generator machine creates a tear gass area causing enemies become blind and slowed for if enemy gets exposed longer than 5 seconds this dies to choking on oxygen blocking gas. The area of gas is shaped cylinder.


Mobile Danger


Cenruo creates a ring around his body pulls out two, two bladed swords. Enemies who lands successful hits on the ring around Cenruo damage will be absorbed to his blades. Cenruo forces him to go melee spree but is able to strafe as he hits enemy with the swords all the stored damage on the ring buffs up the melee strikes on the count of the successful hit on ring. Cenruo will be immune to all damage what is landed on ring. Melee strikes are able to be landed with both mouse buttons another using left hand and another right hand.


Strafe the Death


Causes Cenruo to drop a death animation displaying hologram pretending the death while the danger awaits beyond the sights of the enemy while on stealth Cenruo's all actions are not able to be seen allowing him to harvest unawared enemies as he wants.


Information of Cenruo and his abilities.


Craft costs: Are same as Frost.




Armor: 210

Health: 100 (+ 5/ at every third level)

Shields: 300 (+ 30/ at every third level)

Energy: 100 (+ 5/ at every third level)

Sprint speed: 0.82

Shield regeneration: 15

Stamina: 12




4x =

1x D

1x -

Aura: D


1st skill: Riot Control


Mobile shield duration: 12/13/14/15 seconds.

Area on effect wide: 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5 ingame meters.

Area on effect length

Energy cost: 60


2nd skill: Tear gas


TGM duration: 7/8/9/10 seconds

Slow: 45%

Energy cost: 70

Tear gas duration: 3 seconds after TGM disappears.

Generator health: 125

Generator shields: 125

Shield regeneration: 5

Armor: 75


Mobile Danger:


Protective ring duration: 3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds

Melee damage of wielded swords: 120/140/160/180

Damage type what swords deal: Slash

Melee buff: 10/15/20/25%

Forced to melee duration: 7/8/9/10 seconds

Successfully landed hits by enemies damage buff on melee strikes: 2/3/4/5 cap is 90 more damage to melee strikes.


4th skill: Strafe the Death


Stealth duration: 9/10/11/12 seconds.

Feign of death hologram duration: same as the stealth duration.

Energy cost: 85


Thing to remember: Remember that enemies will be perfectly distracted when you actually does receive health damage.


Passive ability: Sixth sense: The seen danger. Command and Communicate Module.


Sixth sense: The seen danger.


Cenruo carries a radar pack including the command and communication module. Radar adds a meter to the HUD what identicates to play when you have had been seen and how many has seen you. Also enemies who have seen you will be colored Red, Enemies who have heard that you are on ship will be colored as yellow and enemies who has no clues will be colored with Green.


Command and Communicate Module.


Cenruo is able to interact with your fellow team mates highlight high value targets, objects or enemies. Also he is able to give kill order of enemies to fellow allies or countdown when they will execute targeted or untargeted enemies. There is few more commands able to be given Tenno you can also highlight places where one of your team mates should take a place.


You can choose some other button for bringing up the menu what command line but default will be Y. Tag target key Z. The meter of you have had been seen or enemy is suspecting / is known that you are on the ship (Sixth sense: The seen danger) is located at side between above of your weapon display box you can change the meters opacity.


More information about skill set and recommendable skill combos between all warframes:


Tear gas after 5 seconds exposal kills an enemy instantly but it is long time to hold this on the gas. Use the gas to eliminate already slowed enemies around your defending requiring objective. Or in front of hall ways and doors where enemies come buying more time to your team.


Riot Control is excellent shield for everything if you get on off guard on hallway by receiving volleys after volleys of enemy firing use it. Also your team mates will be glad if you put your shield to absorb incoming damage while reviving team mate or using an life support capsule. Also excellent damage block against ranged enemies who are looking after your defending requiring objective.


Mobile danger is new level of mobile melee combat allowing engage enemy as you move towards, around or in front of the enemy. Remember you are still able to be harmed by enemies who shoots on your legs or head. Rise up and demolish your enemy as this wouldn't wait you to assault relentlessly.


Strafe the Death. Pretty much similar to TF2 spy's dead ringer if everybody has played that game a long time but I wanted to take it to this game and a bit upgrade it.


Tear gas and Vortex will be killer combo remember it Tenno.

Riot control and Link allow Trinity and Cenruo to rescue downed ally.

Use Hysteria and Mobile Danger to absorb incoming enemy attention with volleys of bullets. Remember Cenruo will not able to staggered or knocked down while under effect of defending ring but after it disappears assault with care.

Strafe the Death will be excellent way to lower dramatically the aggro against you.




Idle stand while on Dojo:


If you are using Agile:


Pulls out swords showing off relentless combo of strikes. Impale on stomach, Impale from crotch to head and slice in half.


If you are using Noble:


Knocks on right side of helmet counts to 0 with fingers from 5 then creates few beacons at random places around him lastly subdues them.


If using default warframe stance:


Checks all pockets, looks any damage on itself and opens a status window on the wrist checks the health and status of shields. Then takes the TGM puts it on to ground setting it online and offline to check does it work as intended takes the machine from ground back to place where he took it from.


Idle stand while on mission:




takes the swords and rolls them around on his fingers.




Startled looks everywhere pulling weapon right in front of eyes, checking pockets and place of the TGM. After this he just




Takes the mag off from weapon checks it puts it back on, checks the speaker and earphones.


It should be done now. Post some more comments and let me know what you like. I will be introducing new mod at tomorrow.

Edited by Revel72
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Like someone has said, there are already 2 frames based around some sort of stealth. Even then the "stealth" in this game is pretty laughable, as gunfire can be heard in another room, even though the door is closed which suggests the doors are not sound proof. The enemies seem to pick up the player's location really fast and once spotted they go into the hide into a corner mode and peak out and shoot mode. This suggests that once you are spotted, there is an instant GPS location on the player and one of the enemies always goes into a mad dash for the control console to alert the others (while this is predicted, opening gunfire will attract attention of enemies in other rooms, if they haven't noticed already).

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Loki is looking at this idea with sarcasm. (because stealth is not about grenades and blinking it is about not to be seen)


It is mostly all together but yes you are right.


We already have two frames that go around stealth so dont think this idea will go any where.


Things can be changed. Thanks for the feedback.


Like someone has said, there are already 2 frames based around some sort of stealth. Even then the "stealth" in this game is pretty laughable, as gunfire can be heard in another room, even though the door is closed which suggests the doors are not sound proof. The enemies seem to pick up the player's location really fast and once spotted they go into the hide into a corner mode and peak out and shoot mode. This suggests that once you are spotted, there is an instant GPS location on the player and one of the enemies always goes into a mad dash for the control console to alert the others (while this is predicted, opening gunfire will attract attention of enemies in other rooms, if they haven't noticed already).


Hmm... Changes will happen.


Stealth frames should have low armor but be faster than most frames, look at Loki, fastest and it's made for Stealth, you should also change Shadow Walk to something more unique, not another "invisibility", but overall it's a really good idea


Hmm... Well the fact that he has low amount of health on all of the frames was one of the strong reasons why I wanted to give high armor but I gave it a negative effect that he is slower than other stealth frames. But lesson learned I will be reworking this in about 2 hours I will be gone for an hour.


But before that I want to leave a question that which one would be more important to this frame? Crowd Control or Damage? Thanks for the feedback everybody.

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Hmm... Changes will happen.


Changes has been promised to happen on the stealth part of the game. But DE still hasn't given an update on this. This game is a pure shoot-em and slash-em up multi-co-op game. While the theme is sci-fi ninjas battling 2-3 factions in space, there is barely any stealth to the ninja portion of this game.


Your "stealth attacks" are laughable in that it is near useless on enemies with shields. And you won't likely kill at higher levels, only tickle them. The point of stealth should be to kill an enemy without attracting attention. This can be done with bows and throwing stars/knives at the moment (assuming you kill them in 1 hit, otherwise the victim of the attack will someone alert the others even though the victim didn't make a sound).


But you should also be able to sneak up and gut/slit the person for a "stealth kill" not "stealth attack".

Edited by VoidWraith
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Changes has been promised to happen on the stealth part of the game. But DE still hasn't given an update on this. This game is a pure shoot-em and slash-em up multi-co-op game. While the theme is sci-fi ninjas battling 2-3 factions in space, there is barely any stealth to the ninja portion of this game.


Your "stealth attacks" are laughable in that it is near useless on enemies with shields. And you won't likely kill at higher levels, only tickle them. The point of stealth should be to kill an enemy without attracting attention. This can be done with bows and throwing stars/knives at the moment (assuming you kill them in 1 hit, otherwise the victim of the attack will someone alert the others even though the victim didn't make a sound).


But you should also be able to sneak up and gut/slit the person for a "stealth kill" not "stealth attack".


I am back dude. I am going to start doing some changes but still everybody please let me know which one is right now important for this frame you see. Crowd control or damage. Currently I have one safe area skill what is mobile and good area on effect skill.

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I am back dude. I am going to start doing some changes but still everybody please let me know which one is right now important for this frame you see. Crowd control or damage. Currently I have one safe area skill what is mobile and good area on effect skill.


The problem is not with your frame. Well, it could get some improvements and some changes, but the main issue I was talking about is stealth in general for this game. The AI's in the game are alittle bit weird in that once they see you, without making a sound, all other enemies will see you. It's like they are all linked telekinetically. You don't see them bringing their hands to their helmets/visors to radio chat with the other enemies. It's like they all have a hive mind like the infested and once you are detected they all know. One of them of course will sound the alarm so the entire level knows as well. The range in which sound works is a little weird and the range in which the enemies are alerted to your presence from 1 enemy is very wide.

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The problem is not with your frame. Well, it could get some improvements and some changes, but the main issue I was talking about is stealth in general for this game. The AI's in the game are alittle bit weird in that once they see you, without making a sound, all other enemies will see you. It's like they are all linked telekinetically. You don't see them bringing their hands to their helmets/visors to radio chat with the other enemies. It's like they all have a hive mind like the infested and once you are detected they all know. One of them of course will sound the alarm so the entire level knows as well. The range in which sound works is a little weird and the range in which the enemies are alerted to your presence from 1 enemy is very wide.


Indeed but please make thread about this to Gameplay. I do love to speak about these things. Now I have made changes.

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Forgot polarities, Agile and Noble stance animations, Idle animation for dojo and mission idle stand. Now nerfing the Tear Gas skill. -.- Also going to post an event thread for this warframe.

Edited by Revel72
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