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What Is Warframe?


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I think its a great game.


There is a bit to much farming and grinding. But you have a choice to pay for a gun or grind for hours for it. so the grinding kind of make sense that way.


I love how the levels are just random tiles place together in different ways. but I wish there was a little bit bigger variety.


Also I think we need more of a story line I mean I'm sure some people know (or maybe just made up in their heads) but I sit here thinking "What is going on?'" all the time. Who are these tenno what is their full story? Why do we fight the Grineer and corpus so much? Is there a end to it or is it like Dr. who and the daleks where we just keep fighting them for ever? 

I think a story that goes with the game would be great.


To me it seems like Warframe is the endgame of a game. 

I'm a huge Borderlands fan I stopped playing it for warframe.

but the end game of borderlands is just like warframe All you have to do is farm for stuff and thats it. i my opinion what would make warframe a great game would be a story more where you play through all the levels once for some grand reason. and then after that is where the game as it is kicks in. Also through out the story mode you cans still farm for stuff as now but at least it would give players a feeling of "I'm doing something for a reason." and I think thats what I'm missing from this game there seems to be no real reason to be doing what we are. (mission wise)

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It's a game with great potential, but it seems that the devs don't recognize what direction to take that potential in - the result is a very unstable balance system and varying "godly to trash tier" (quoting another user) weapons and frames. It needs more solid balance if it wants to expand on other factors like plot, weapon/frame content, and other features like new levels.

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It's a game with great potential, but it seems that the devs don't recognize what direction to take that potential in - the result is a very unstable balance system and varying "godly to trash tier" (quoting another user) weapons and frames. It needs more solid balance if it wants to expand on other factors like plot, weapon/frame content, and other features like new levels.

In theory though damage 2.0 allows them to balance things far more efficiently by tweaking specific damage numbers and resistances to whatever needs tweaking. According to Mogamu (youtuber who does a lot of reveiws/build advice videos on warframe weapons and frames) damage 2.0 narrowed that gap from trash and godtier to bad weapons and good weapons. A step in the right direction.

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I think its a great game.


There is a bit to much farming and grinding. But you have a choice to pay for a gun or grind for hours for it. so the grinding kind of make sense that way.


I love how the levels are just random tiles place together in different ways. but I wish there was a little bit bigger variety.


Also I think we need more of a story line I mean I'm sure some people know (or maybe just made up in their heads) but I sit here thinking "What is going on?'" all the time. Who are these tenno what is their full story? Why do we fight the Grineer and corpus so much? Is there a end to it or is it like Dr. who and the daleks where we just keep fighting them for ever? 

I think a story that goes with the game would be great.


To me it seems like Warframe is the endgame of a game. 

I'm a huge Borderlands fan I stopped playing it for warframe.

but the end game of borderlands is just like warframe All you have to do is farm for stuff and thats it. i my opinion what would make warframe a great game would be a story more where you play through all the levels once for some grand reason. and then after that is where the game as it is kicks in. Also through out the story mode you cans still farm for stuff as now but at least it would give players a feeling of "I'm doing something for a reason." and I think thats what I'm missing from this game there seems to be no real reason to be doing what we are. (mission wise)

nice, thank you for your reply :)

mre lore will come, and for the why are we doing what we do, tenno keep the balance between factions in the solarsystem(maybe sometimes the universe? :D)

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Heavy Self Edit :

Warframe Is :  A Beloved Kitten.  

Yes sometimes kitteh annoys me, sometimes he does strange and silly things and i wonder what is he thinking?!
Once he even pooped in my shoe! 
But i still Love him, he always helps relax me after a sh1tty day at work, and i am willing to let him learn from his mistakes with my support.

Thanks Warkitteh!

I Still Love this game, and I'm not gunna add to the negativity

YES i want Ash's damn teleport FIXED after over 6 months of begging!

YES i HATE damage falloff!

YES i Hate nerfing an event exclusive weapon i worked 7 hours for!

YES i Hate impossible enemy armour scaling!

BUT i still have faith after over 500 hours and almost a year in this game,
i have seen so many amazing improvements and so much hard work from the DE team..

I'm STILL proud to be a Founder and a Grand Master

I Still Believe! 

  Edited by ZetaReticulan
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What I would call this game is half finished.(+stealing "Random")


Reading every post before all I can surmise is that there will have to be some sort of story-telling/story driven campaign/content,AKA the missing half of Warframe,as it stands there's no reason for anything in Warframe,people need something to identify with.


***Random event's like when the stalker turns up,which is in my opinion the single most exciting moment left in the game***So Random friendly AI companions,Dealers, and yes more Enemies like the Stalker.


I haven't even unlocked every mission yet despite logging at a guess maybe a couple of hundred hours,just cracked mastery level 5.Important to note that I stopped playing for a while already because of the grind and all I would do was log on to see if I had gained the Gorgan Blueprint (best looking Firearm in my opinion) and was &!$$ed when it didn't turn up,it put me off.


There is very little progression going back to the start all the time is numbing like using forma on level caped items.I only wish my items weren't reduced to useless because I've used forma and invested in the game.


***CLAN WARS*** need to be able to put resource's in a Kitty/pot (the poker term) and then fight in each others Dojo's for it. (Dojo Vs Dojo with warpgate) ,that could also inspire new Dojo Furniture and interactive items/boobie traps.The more resource's on the table the more players/clan tier.The DE's would have to lock down all negative effects a random enemy could do to muck up clan research...permissions.


***Smoke Grenades***Flashbang Grenades***  This could also make melee fighting more relevant?More Finishing moves/Fatalities or Stealth assassinations Look at some of the old (Tenchu?) Ninja games.I think killing AI after jumping off a wall or via landing on their shoulders should have different animations and be rewarded with instant kills giving melee a flare factor.(Decapitate,impale,break necks,remove limbs,knock down)we only have backstab and knockdown is used but not in the sense I mean.


Don't get me wrong,like the game but it's ability to hold interest is lacking,need to extend that honeymoon period that we all start out with.

Edited by CorditeJunkie
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Found this little passage which sums things up quite nicely and I relate to, even the 500+ hours part!


"I have 500+ hours in WF. I'm a Master level founder. And I conducted an interview with Steve and Meridith back in March of this year for a website I was writing for. I loved the potential this game had to be something special. I really invested my self in it.
I completely agree with this review. There is literally /nothing/ to this game but the grind for new gear and items. There's no real endgame, there's no real skill, there's no real challenge or reward to any of it.
Current "endgame" consists of endless defense (stand in frost bubble and spam weapon/power, collecting items between waves) or survival (kill things before things simply have too much health for you to kill fast enough).
I played for so long because the core of this game is solid, the art direction is unique and the potential was there. However, it's become clear that DE has no inspiring ideas for the core gameplay, and instead they insist on releasing new content that only serves as new areas to grind through and new items to grind for.
Yes, grind exists in other games, but the problem here is that the grind isn't just an aspect of the gameplay, it's that the entire game is built /around/ the grind.
I have very little faith this game will ever evolve further, and it's a shame. DE had something they could have developed, but instead seem to be more interested in keeping people on the gear treadmill in the hope they'll keep spending money on platinum.
It's a real shame"
Edited by TunaMayo
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Shoot, *insert ability*, shoot some more, *insert ability*, backflip/wallrun/Zorencopter, *insert ability*, hack and slash, *insert ability*, shoot even more, press 4, keep shooting... You get the idea.


Warframe has so much potential that it pains me to say this, but WIP or not, it is far from entertaining after a while. The grind and repetition ruin it for me.


Borderlands 1 and 2 are good examples of grindy, but rewarding games. Each mission adds to your progression in a measurable way and the rewards speak for themselves.


Warframe does not have these traits. It really gets old after a while. All I can say is that DE needs to look at the basics first, then add more content.

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extend that honeymoon period that we all start out with.

totally agreed


Yes, grind exists in other games, but the problem here is that the grind isn't just an aspect of the gameplay, it's that the entire game is built /around/ the grind.
It's a real shame"


also totally agreed


like DCypherThis13 already mentioned "DE needs to look at the basics", DE should really think about the gameplay concept. currently they are building the stuff around the game without even finishing the basics, the solid base is there, but the basics are not.

imaging the red sphere is the base, DE is building the green sphere instead of doing the basics(blue and yellow).therefore it's just a matter of time until this concept breakes




-what is the stuff around? easy question, all the grindy stuff

-what is the base? all the awesome concepts: the art work, the idea, communication between player and Dev's, gameplay

-what are the basics? critical look to the gameplay(stealth, grind, endgame, MORE NINJA!), new concepts(already doing a good job): new tilesets and events WITH story background; contests and most important the lore(who, why, where, what etc.)

Edited by battlehotdog
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totally agreed


also totally agreed


like DCypherThis13 already mentioned "DE needs to look at the basics", DE should really think about the gameplay concept. currently they are building the stuff around the game without even finishing the basics, the solid base is there, but the basics are not.

imaging the red sphere is the base, DE is building the green sphere instead of doing the basics(blue and yellow).therefore it's just a matter of time until this concept breakes




-what is the stuff around? easy question, all the grindy stuff

-what is the base? all the awesome concepts: the art work, the idea, communication between player and Dev's, gameplay

-what are the basics? critical look to the gameplay(stealth, grind, endgame, MORE NINJA!), new concepts(already doing a good job): new tilesets and events WITH story background; contests and most important the lore(who, why, where, what etc.)

You said it way better than I did. Well put, friend. +1

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