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Suggestion: New Survival Mode.


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Survival Mode: Exploration.


what is it? Its a survival mode where if you go deeper, and deeper in to the maze of rooms, it gets harder as you progress into maze. You will have 2 or more extractions, one for the deepest end of the map (or randomly generated as a checkpoint), and another that is near the drop point.


Almost Every door would be unlocked, expanding outward into the Infinate domain, as you go further, the difficulty gets harder, but time also increases the difficulty as you go. The more rooms you discover, the better the drops.


The survival mode can also allow loot rooms, but thats up to the DE's.


heres an example of the difficulty scale.


rooms discovered/difficulty level of mobs. with the scale of time increases difficulty to max level, as long as they have the number of rooms accessed.


1-10/level 5 level 9 max after 10mins.

11-20/level 10 level 19 max after 20mins. 

21-40/level 20 level 29 max after 27mins.

41-60/level 30 level 39 max after 35mins.

61-80/level 40 level 49 max after 47mins.


Extra loot would be given to you every 5mins, like the normal survival mode.


Life support would still be a part of this, but would have to last longer because of the the area that it covers. Unless there is a way to keep going without life support like using kills to keep going, or exploring new rooms add 30 seconds or 1 minute of life support.


Please post your suggestions on this idea :D

Edited by GhostUnitVII
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