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Warframe Fusion!?


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After my last topic created, on Warframe Combos! Like Fusion!(https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/145331-warframe-combos-like-fusion/#entry1727021), I was thinking that what if they made it possible for 2 warframes to fuse powers and become one? Similar to the new damage 2.0 elements


Example: Ember+Frost=Rocketeer or Nekros+Excalibur(or the new warframe paladin)=Dark knight(lol batman)


Try to make your own warframe using 2 existing ones. Hoping DE will allow players to unlock new warframes only by fusing 2 existing ones.

That would be awesome

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you could explain the lore-wise reference having the technology of survival contained in the lore checked

Lore has established that Warframes are what happens when a human(?) survives a Technocyte infection without going mad from the pain, resulting in a permanent biomechanical bodysuit that grants them special abilities; I'm fairly certain they never come off (especially not if you subscribe to the fan theory that the Warframes are the bodies you play as, and the Tenno are separate entities represented by the player presence controlling the Warframes from a remote location). Assuming each type of Warframe is an individual body rather than just a frame archetype, there would be no way to combine two frames in the first place other than creating an entirely new Frame that mimics traits found in two other frames.

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Lore has established that Warframes are what happens when a human(?) survives a Technocyte infection without going mad from the pain, resulting in a permanent biomechanical bodysuit that grants them special abilities; I'm fairly certain they never come off (especially not if you subscribe to the fan theory that the Warframes are the bodies you play as, and the Tenno are separate entities represented by the player presence controlling the Warframes from a remote location). Assuming each type of Warframe is an individual body rather than just a frame archetype, there would be no way to combine two frames in the first place other than creating an entirely new Frame that mimics traits found in two other frames.

hmm,dont use haste each and every thing is based on energy http://www.animezone.co/fotos-imagenes-anime/dragonballgt_.jpg

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Lore has established that Warframes are what happens when a human(?) survives a Technocyte infection without going mad from the pain, resulting in a permanent biomechanical bodysuit that grants them special abilities; I'm fairly certain they never come off (especially not if you subscribe to the fan theory that the Warframes are the bodies you play as, and the Tenno are separate entities represented by the player presence controlling the Warframes from a remote location). Assuming each type of Warframe is an individual body rather than just a frame archetype, there would be no way to combine two frames in the first place other than creating an entirely new Frame that mimics traits found in two other frames.

Before you say that, have you yet thought that before putting on a warframe, you combine the 2 warframes first and then put them on? The concept of fusion is to create new powers of the old, can we go back to creating ideas then?

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Before you say that, have you yet thought that before putting on a warframe, you combine the 2 warframes first and then put them on? The concept of fusion is to create new powers of the old, can we go back to creating ideas then?

The idea is that you never take off the Warframe in the first place. Ever notice that every frame of a certain type always seems to have the same person underneath? It seems to me like changing Warframes isn't just changing into a different suit; you're commanding an entirely different body clad in a different permanent bodysuit.


But still, depending on the possible outcomes, combining frames would probably create some pretty unbalanced/overpowered results. Heck, if you could combine Frost with Rhino, you'd pretty much be unkillable between Iron Skin (Ice Skin?) and Snow Globe.

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The idea is that you never take off the Warframe in the first place. Ever notice that every frame of a certain type always seems to have the same person underneath? It seems to me like changing Warframes isn't just changing into a different suit; you're commanding an entirely different body clad in a different permanent bodysuit.


But still, depending on the possible outcomes, combining frames would probably create some pretty unbalanced/overpowered results. Heck, if you could combine Frost with Rhino, you'd pretty much be unkillable between Iron Skin (Ice Skin?) and Snow Globe.

The Lore will be set by the Developer only

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The Lore will be set by the Developer only

This coming from the guy trying to add Ki mechanics to a sci-fi game.


And speaking of lore from the developers, you might want to read the in-game Codex entry called "Victory" (assuming there's only one called that); it has an intercepted transmission from the Grineer both implying the possibility of the whole "Warframes are remotely controlled bodies" thing, as well as almost outright stating that attempting to remove a Warframe causes it to disintegrate, making fusion by removal canonically impossible.

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Actual Reality canon includes energetivcs and scientific energy and matter fusion so Lore can be created,when crossing a path all surrounding it are it's mirrors.Yet who is the user and who the blind man?...of the path

with respect to the players and Developers reference is based on more perspectives than the obvious

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The idea is that you never take off the Warframe in the first place. Ever notice that every frame of a certain type always seems to have the same person underneath? It seems to me like changing Warframes isn't just changing into a different suit; you're commanding an entirely different body clad in a different permanent bodysuit.


But still, depending on the possible outcomes, combining frames would probably create some pretty unbalanced/overpowered results. Heck, if you could combine Frost with Rhino, you'd pretty much be unkillable between Iron Skin (Ice Skin?) and Snow Globe.

Frost+rhino= two most slowest, yet highest in sheild warframes, they can work, their only weakness is fire, to that their "ice skin" runs out(I'm pretty sure ice skin is a bad skill to use) but you can have something like blizzard, being able to dash at extreme speeds while creating a frost behind you. Snow globe would be better combined with iron skin, making iron globe, complete defense(for a certain amount of damage taken by enemies and friends), and it would be epic to see an avalanche happen from one's foot. Before thinking how an already OP warframe combines with another already OP warframe, first think of their weaknesses and list them, then combine certain moves to the other to compliment.

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Frost+rhino= two most slowest, yet highest in sheild warframes, they can work, their only weakness is fire, to that their "ice skin" runs out(I'm pretty sure ice skin is a bad skill to use) but you can have something like blizzard, being able to dash at extreme speeds while creating a frost behind you. Snow globe would be better combined with iron skin, making iron globe, complete defense(for a certain amount of damage taken by enemies and friends), and it would be epic to see an avalanche happen from one's foot. Before thinking how an already OP warframe combines with another already OP warframe, first think of their weaknesses and list them, then combine certain moves to the other to compliment.

Frozen Charge would be cool < see what i did there:)

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with respect to the players and Developers reference is based on more perspectives than the obvious

Did you just quote yourself? There is an edit button you know; if you think of something you want to add on to a comment you might want to use that instead. Quoting yourself just makes you look schizophrenic.

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Actual Reality canon includes energetivcs and scientific energy and matter fusion so Lore can be created,when crossing a path all surrounding it are it's mirrors.Yet who is the user and who the blind man?...of the path

Between the incoherent grammar, the pseudo-philosophical jargon, and the implication that chi mechanics and two-way matter/energy transmutation exist in real life, this post makes my head hurt. I am seriously at a loss to respond to this in any way other than a particular viral video insult, which for manners' sake I will try to refrain from using as long as I can.

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Frost+rhino= two most slowest, yet highest in sheild warframes, they can work, their only weakness is fire, to that their "ice skin" runs out(I'm pretty sure ice skin is a bad skill to use) but you can have something like blizzard, being able to dash at extreme speeds while creating a frost behind you. Snow globe would be better combined with iron skin, making iron globe, complete defense(for a certain amount of damage taken by enemies and friends), and it would be epic to see an avalanche happen from one's foot. Before thinking how an already OP warframe combines with another already OP warframe, first think of their weaknesses and list them, then combine certain moves to the other to compliment.

And by this point you've proven that a balanced frame combining attributes of two other fames would be plausible, but I'm still not convinced a "frame fusion" mechanic would be fitting.


And now I feel I should refine this "metalbender" frame idea of yours, pun somewhat intended.

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