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Melee Sentinels: Altair, Minos, Duran And Killa Klaw


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One Sentinel type thats still missing in Warframe are melee types. The function of these Sentinels is to attack in melee along with or simply when enemies enter close range with the player. Depending on that sentinels Precepts. Obviously, these Sentinels will use melee mods on their weapons. 


I prefer to give examples rather than a bunch of numbers and a 'how-to' manual.  DE will decide how these are implemented.



With 'Sword Wind' and 'Final Blow' as default precepts, ALTAIR is a melee focused combat Sentinel. ALTAIR comes armed with the Wing Blade weapon.


Sword Wind: Sentinel will join its master as they attack in melee, turning into a whirlwind of death.


As the player swings their melee weapon Altair spins around the Warframe, striking enemies in a close circle around the player. As Altair attacks with its master, the Sentinel will do increasing amounts of damage and attack faster. This bonus will reset after the Sentinel has been out of combat for a time. Altair will also attack on its own, targeting enemies that come close, but will receive no increasing damage bonus.


Final Blow: When its master fails to kill an enemy, the Sentinel will rush forward to finish them off.


Activates if the player is unable to finish off an opponent themselves. Such as being knocked down, forced to reload, or a similar circumstance. Altair will fly over(or teleport maybe?) to that enemy and eviscerate them, dealing massive damage and staggering them. That enemy must be under a certain HP percentage for the precept to activate. If that foe is killed by the Sentinel, Final Blows cool down is reset.


Wing Blade: Deals High Slash, Mid range Puncture and low impact damage.


Lore: The Grineer and Corpus originally thought the Altair Sentinels were some sort of bizarre, mutated wildlife. Usually encountered in the deep wilderness of various planets throughout the solar system, or even aboard ancient Orokin derelicts. Seeing and exterminating them as mere pests whenever found, often with immense casualties to their Marines and Crewman. The Tenno and the Lotus, once they themselves encountered the Sentinels, recognized them immediately for what they really were. Both the Grineer and Corpus were quite horrified when the deadly 'animals' began appearing and fighting alongside the Tenno.

The two factions own attempts to 'tame' the Altair Sentinels were rather... unsuccessful.


Description: At its core, this Sentinel is basically a self-attacking Glaive. Altair has a very hawk-like design to it appearance, most evident when it's passively waiting at its owners shoulder. When the Sentinel does move to attack, it folds up into a more familiar Glaive profile. Its 'Wings' being the blades it attacks with, the pommel its 'tail', the handle its 'body', and the hilt its head. All the while, fully retaining the equal parts elegant form and lethal function that the Tenno use in all their weaponry.


With 'Gore' and 'Smash' precepts, MINOS is a living wrecking ball of destruction. This Sentinel comes equipped with the Gore Horns weapon.


Gore: The Sentinel crashes into approaching enemies, staggering them with every blow.


The first enemy who comes in melee range of the player will be targeted. Minos will continually ram that enemy until its either knocked down, or slain. Each consecutive hit strikes harder and faster, eventually knocking the enemy to the ground. 


Smash: When an enemy survives its masters charged attacks, the Sentinel will slam into them, knocking them to the ground.


If the players charged attack fails to kill the target, Minos crashes into them. Dealing huge amounts of damage and having a high chance to knock them flat. This precept also triggers on knocked down enemies that the player performs a ground finisher on. If the finisher fails to kill them Minos crushes the target with its armored bulk. If the enemy is killed Smash resets.


Gore Horns: Deals High Impact and Puncture damage. (Maybe Blast too?)


Lore: When Grineer researchers and scientists were first tasked with replicating the Tenno's Sentinels, they said it was impossible with current Grineer technology. After a few executions, their tune was much more optimistic and very enthusiastic. Months and many more executions later, the Grineer were little closer to even a basic functioning design. With nothing but thousands of wasted credits and resources to show for their efforts, the desperate scientists instead sought the Lotus's attention in the hopes of asylum. Promising her what little Sentinel research they had, she agreed. 

The entire communique was revealed the same day by 'outside' sources. The Grineer scientists were all arrested and summarily executed by firing squad. Their research seized and deported to Earth to keep it out of the Lotus's hands. While in transit, the ship carrying the research was sabotaged and then raided. Everyone aboard was killed and the research stolen. Within days, Minos type Sentinels were butchering Grineer soldiers all across the system.

The Twin Queens ordered a lot of executions that month.


Description: Primarily constructed from Grineer components, Minos resembles its original makers by design in its brutal form. Effectively a large floating lump of bulbous, armored plating built to withstand both the impact of its own attacks as well as any damage it might receive. Jutting forward from its front are the two 'Horns' that its uses to gore enemies. Minos has very few moving components in its construction, preferring a solid build over anything ornate. Much like the Grineer themselves


Precepts 'Bouncer' and 'Blockade' make DURAN unrivaled in defending its masters person. This Sentinel comes equipped with the Force Hammer weapon.


Bouncer: Enemies foolish enough to come close to the Sentinels master are rebutted.


Specifically, Duran only targets enemies who are themselves targeting the player. The Sentinel strikes slowly but like a truck, with quick piston like jabs. Relentlessly attacking until that enemy is no longer in range. Most probably, because Duran has sent them flying across the room.


Blockade: When its masters shields are depleted, the Sentinel generates an emergency barrier.


Duran creates an immobile force field for the player to use as cover. Works much like Volt's own, but no electricity and rectangular in shape. Duran's Blockade barrier has its own shields that, once depleted, the barrier is destroyed.


Force Hammer: Deals Magnetic and Impact damage.


Lore: Originally, the Duran Project was started by the Corpus. Using components stolen from Tenno Sentinels, the project was an attempt to either bolster or outright replace the unarmed Shield Ospreys they use. After a rather unfortunate series of Identification Friend or Foe accidents, the project was shelved and the survivors reassigned to Pluto. Operatives of the Lotus managed to recover Duran's basic design blueprints and were able to solve the IFF targeting issues with relative ease. The Board of Directors, in response to recordings of Tenno equipped with these new Sentinels, once more reassigned the surviving researchers from the original Duran Project.

To mining operations at Eris.


Description: Like most equipment built by the Corpus, Duran is relatively simplistic in its design and construction. Rectangular with angular armored sections and squarish shield emitters, this Sentinel is not the most elegant or complex, but it gets the job done.


Precepts 'KillKillKill' and 'Life Taker' allow Killa Klaw to fully live up to its name, butchering its masters enemies with extreme prejudice. This Sentinel is equipped with the Rabid Klaw weapon.


KillKillKill: As its master attacks, the Sentinel will strike out in wide, cleaving arcs.


Killa Klaw strikes when the player attacks in melee, sweeping in a wide forward arc in front of its master. The Sentinel has a three strike attack limit, stopping to recharge, before continuing its assault. If the player is knocked down, low on health or outright downed, Killa Klaw has chance to go berserk in response.  The Sentinel leaves the players side, loses its attack limit and then proceeds to butcher all nearby enemies until its master recovers. Unfortunately, this renders all other Precepts inactive.


Life Taker: Enemies slain by the Sentinel have the last bits of their life stolen, given to the Sentinels master.


As Killa Klaw, um... kills, he drains health before slowly transferring it to the player. The health return is not instant, instead giving the player a slowly regenerating health bar. If the Sentinel does not make the uh, kill, then no life drain is given. Also, if the Sentinel is berserking then Life Taker precept will not trigger either.


Rabid Klaw: Deals high Poison, Slash, and moderate Impact damage.



We serve. We Kill.


We Love Master. Saved us.

We were once without purpose. Merely existing. We did not Kill.

Faithful. Believed we were content. Consumed. Whole.

Lies. All Lies. 

Master find. Save from lies. From the Liar. Master give truth. Purpose. To serve. 


Master lets us Kill. Master is good. Master Kills. We share purpose now.


Master loves us.

Master lets... me... Kill.

We... I... love Master.

I serve. I have purpose.



Description: Formerly part of an Infested organism, Killa Klaw looks like a floating organic meat cleaver. Primarily made out of hard ceramic bone, leathery chitin and meat.

Edited by MadMoonDog
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...Do Djinn and Wyrm not count as melee sentinels, then? No, they don't have melee weapons, but their assist precepts are geared towards melee assist. Djinn pulls enemies closer to you, making melee easier, and Wyrm stuns enemies around you, allowing you to kill them or get away, depending on the situation.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not really against the sentinels you suggested. Some of them seem interesting, like Duran. I'd use that. But please, at least admit that there are, in fact, melee sentinels in the game. At least to a degree.

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