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The Bozu - Warframe Idea


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I am NOT an artist, and therefore there are no pictures to go with this idea, but I thought I'd share what I have thought of so far.


All stats are basic/general ideas, take them with a grain of salt. 


So, today I was well... taking a dump. I had forgotten my phone on the computer table, and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I was stuck to my own thoughts,(horrifying I know) and my mind wandered. Having played warframe for the majority of the day because I have no friends/life I came up with the idea to come up with a new frame for S&G. 


I am a avid WoW raider, and my class is monk. I love the idea of a powerful, mostly melee, no stealth but emphasis on avoidance of damage rather than taking it. The idea came to me, what about a monk frame? So I started thinking of ideas for powers. Here is what I came up with in the span of my poo-experience. 


The "Bozu" (name subject to debate) frame - Uses speed, avoidance and his own being to end fights with ease! A master of ancient Tenno ways, he calls upon the forces of both light and dark (3 and 4 abilities) to bring a balanced power set to the field. How do you want to play the Bozu? An avoidance tank, with an emphasis on duration and efficiency to keep Evasion up? A speed demon, staying at maximum speed through Combat Roll, with emphasis on duration, strength and efficiency? OR maybe a damage dealer/healer, focusing on increased health, strength to increase your healing/damage, and range to bring calamity/soothe to even more enemies/allies? Its up to you how you use this versatile frame!


Base stat wise, I was thinking something around this:  (NOTE THAT THESE ARE LEVEL 0 STATS)


100 base shields, nothing much but it will stop most small hits. Will be 300 at level 30.


200 healthWOAH  Why so much hp? Let me explain. The purpose of this frame is Hp management and sacrifice, while avoiding damage. Without high hp, his 3 and 4 abilities would be just plain weak. Max hp with all hp mods/aura maxed would be a whooping 1750 hp! At level 30 un-modded He will have 600 hp!


85 armor, I do not want him to be a passive tank, but with this much hp he needs some to be viable, ya know?


100 base energy, He is not a casting frame, so he does not get that 450 flow power.


Move speed, 1.2, higher than ash, lower than Loki. I want him to feel like an actual combat monk, light, fast, avoiding damage and using his speed to his advantage. 


Powers! Note that these are basic/general ideas.


1. Combat roll- You roll in the direction you are moving, gaining 100% avoidance to all mechanics/damage during the roll. The Combat roll will move you x/x/x meters, and after the roll you will increase your movement speed by x/x/x% for x/x/x seconds. This effect will stack up to 3 times


This is LITERALLY an exact copy of the monk ability from wow, celerity, which adds a speed boost to your roll, I get that. This is merely an idea and is open for debate. I want him to be extremely mobile, while still being viable without a stealth mechanic. Any suggestions on how to alter this? Didn't want it to be a charge or just a speed boost since we have those already, but maybe a combo of the 2? Costs 25 energy.


2. Evasion - For 6/8/10 seconds, the Bozu heightens his senses and evades x/x/x% of incoming projectiles, knockdowns and damage in general.    


The description needs work, but basically its a x% chance to avoid damage/mechanics. The animation I imagine is him partially distorted, letting enemies think he is somewhere he is not. Costs 50 energy.


3. Mantra: Soothe - The Bozu chants an ancient Mantra that will heal himself and teammates within x meters for x/x/x% of their maximum hp every second for 3/4/5 seconds.  


Basically this is his support for the team, besides damage and drawing fire with evasion. This would synergize very well with a Valkyr, for example, because of the lack of a proper shield. This would also be a great counter for toxic ancients. Also great with his 4 ability, Mantra: Calamity. Costs 50 energy.


4. Mantra: Calamity - The Bozu chants the prophecy of death itself, sacrificing half of his remaining hp to call Calamity upon his foes. All enemies within x/x/x meters of the Bozu will now take damage equal to 100/200/300% of the health sacrificed. For each enemy slain in this method, the Bozu absorbs their energies and  gains back 5% of his maximum hp.  


 This ability needs some tweaking of course, but hey it was just a 10 minute poop. I know the Valkyr was JUST released and uses a similar mechanic, but I feel it fits the frame. Open to debate here, any ideas? At MAXIMUM hp for this frame, 1750, this ability would deal  2625 damage, without strength mods. Costs 100 energy.


​These are all just general ideas/first thoughts. I imagine the frame itself slim, and has almost a robe going on. Of course, this is warframe, so it will still be a frame, but a lighter, more agile one like the Ash. I kinda put a lot of effort into typing this all out, so any ideas/criticism is encouraged. I know some of the ideas are lame, or just wouldn't work in warframe, but whatever, just trying to make something that feels new.  


I don't think there is a frame like this in warframe, except maybe the valkyr. Except here, we use health as a resource, but have a way to gain it back if needed. I just don't like the Valkyrs ult, It feels clunky to me.


TL;DR? Just look at the stats and powers and tell me what you think. Most of this is me rambling on.

Edited by Black-Nasty
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The combat roll ability is kinda redundant because you can pretty much do that already as standard maneuvers with sprint and crouch. Perhaps something more along the lines of Stunning Fist?

I know its redundant, but when you think of monk you think of agile, quick movements and the roll made the most sense. I want his first ability to be movement orientated, rather than utility. His utility comes in with 2-3 powers. I dont want it do a charge/teleport/speed increase alone, because we already have powers like that.

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I know its redundant, but when you think of monk you think of agile, quick movements and the roll made the most sense. I want his first ability to be movement orientated, rather than utility. His utility comes in with 2-3 powers. I dont want it do a charge/teleport/speed increase alone, because we already have powers like that.

But still, there should be some decent benefit to using 25 energy points on a power that can't already be replicated with normal movement abilities.


Unless maybe his first ability temporarily granted unlimited stamina with which to perform said maneuvers?

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But still, there should be some decent benefit to using 25 energy points on a power that can't already be replicated with normal movement abilities.


Unless maybe his first ability temporarily granted unlimited stamina with which to perform said maneuvers?

I like the idea of stamina generation. How about this? Energizing roll - The Bozu rolls forward, moving x/x/x meters forward (obviously farther than the tap shift roll). This power replenishes your stamina bar. 25 energy

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I like the idea of stamina generation. How about this? Energizing roll - The Bozu rolls forward, moving x/x/x meters forward (obviously farther than the tap shift roll). This power replenishes your stamina bar. 25 energy

Eh, I think just a timed buff that granted unlimited stamina and extended range to tap shift rolls (upgrade to increase range and duration) might be more efficient.

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Basic idea is nice. The details... his stats balance out how incredibly weak his skills are, but in general, it feels like he was balanced for use in another game.


Having that much HP and shielding would actually discourage evasion--he can handle taking the blow directly.

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Basic idea is nice. The details... his stats balance out how incredibly weak his skills are, but in general, it feels like he was balanced for use in another game.


Having that much HP and shielding would actually discourage evasion--he can handle taking the blow directly.

true. I am not a designer and to be honest I really have no concept of balance. I just didnt want him to turn into another valkyr, relying on an ability to stay alive, only to run out of energy and die in 3 hits. The stats are open for change, what do you think would be more balanced?

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