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A Dreams Of Flowers.


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We don't know what happened... and we don't know when but our history goes only so far before it somehow vanishes in the shroud of time much like the shroud of night sky that surrounds us.

At best what you could say is that we were the lone survivors of some culture and that's about it.

Nobody knows who or what we were before... were we civilized? were we raw and unrefined? These are the sorts of questions that have driven better minds than my own to madness... I am only glad that what i do know isn't maddening.

When we awoke, it was as if we awoke from a long and peaceful slumber. One minute we weren't there, the next minute we were. we couldn't explain it but we knew what we now know and for as long as we can remember.

And then there is the gate, oh yes, that tantalizing gate. I often wonder in my very fleeting moments when my mind is my own... What is it that makes me so apprehensive of it?

We suspect that they have been trying to open it. that would explain the source of this rather chilling outbreak. For some reason i cannot fathom exactly how because it doesn't follow the same known vectors for a disease that I have any knowledge of but it is somehow propagating itself. Is there some force unseen that has a hand in this?

There is one question that we all daren't ask. Is this our destiny or are these events that have been set in motion from long before?

Whatever it was, we all seem to agree in some manner that all of this is cause and effect.

But then, where did we come from?

what are we?

Did we make this?

How did it get there?

... Was it always there?


That moment usually stops me from dreaming. It is that point that i know if i go any further, i'll fall into the same pits as those that have tried before.

... But something also tells me it is so very worth it.

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