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Clan Hall Idea.


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My friend and i thought it would be cool to be able to place clan 'rooms' of sorts. It would be up to the clan leader of how much room to waste making how ever many, but the rooms would be the size of a research lab, and have room to put up quite a few decorations. Some of thse coudl be the ability to put your current weapons on display, have holo-statues of your current warframes etc. A room for people to create and call their own, possibly with the ability to 'lock' the room so no one but the owner can enter it. Each room could be assigned to a certian clan member so that no one could enter unless they wished it. It could even be a huge apartment like room the size of teh obstacle course with many levels and such.

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Private clan member rooms? Maybe.

that was my thought. could edit it, make a bed. possible through doing so put in a rest bar? the bed would have to be cool xP maybe a 'grav' bed wher eyou levitate above it? XD or a pod or something whatever. but even so i'd still love diffrent sort of things like that, perhaps even a throphy hall. where the boss's of events can be put up on holo pads as trophy's marking the tenno Clans acheivments.

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