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Ps4 And Physx Graphics?


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Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone knows if the PS4 will ever recieve an update for the graphic options.


I just played the PC version on my fairly old computer and the load time to join a game was about .003 seconds... whereas when I go to join a game on the PS4 it is about 30-45 seconds when starting/joining a match...


also-- there are these sparkly things that come off of powers and dead bodies that are super cool looking on the PC version.. and I can see everything a bit better.  I ruled this down to one setting-- Nvidia Physx is turned on.


I know that the PS4 doesn't have an Nvidia card-- but I know it has to have a pretty damned powerful AMD card that is probably more than capable of providing this type of graphics--- I was just wondering if it will ever be coded into the game.


Also I noticed I was able to shoulder swap on the PC to get a better angle with aiming ETC....  


Are we ever going to recieve any of this on the PS4??   A way to customize our controller on PS4 would be wonderful too--- I just like the game much better on PS4 and I will play it there regardless... but it definitely is nowhere near as finished as the PC version-- and it is not just because PC is on 11.5.3 or whatever....  it's simply the customozation that is available-- and the Physx things would be extremely nice to have on the PS4.


Also about the load times-- I guess it is the network??  I don't see how the ps4 takes 45 seconds to load per game and the PC takes a half a second or less (it is a solid state harddrive I have on my PC).. would putting one of these in my Ps4 help?


Thanks for any info that anyone can provide about any of this ahead of time.


*dreams of using O to crouch/slide and r1 to block so I can move and block at the same time.......*  Good night!


Happy holidays all!


~Ryan Aka Crackle2012

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I think they need to optimise the game with what we have now, first. At some points the FPS is hanging around 10, which makes it stupidly hard to aim.


But either way, PhysX is Nvidia only, AMD systems can use it, but it has to be utilised on the CPU, and can massively drop frame rates, and what we have now really is bad enough. 

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I think they need to optimise the game with what we have now, first. At some points the FPS is hanging around 10, which makes it stupidly hard to aim.


But either way, PhysX is Nvidia only, AMD systems can use it, but it has to be utilised on the CPU, and can massively drop frame rates, and what we have now really is bad enough. 

The part that it takes hard on drop frame rates is a dirty lie,


PhysX is and was essentially based on cpu... since like Ageia cards. Yes, the PhysX can be processed through Your AMD/ATI gpu, a small trick a programmer can do while he's in source code to define PhysX calculations to run on OpenCL resource "processor" so it can be run essentially through different API layer than it was made for.


Why does it preform so good on nvidia gpus? because its optimized to run on CUDA arch. If you can run on cpu, (on today's cpus it runs decently well); If you make it to run on OpenCL to access another GPU as processing unit; You will basically be able to put the load on GPU - so a lot of stress from cpu to gpu using additional abstraction layer.


But then again; DE is Nvidia's Biatch ;they'll tell you what nvidia wants them to tell to people. Yes only on NV cards. Buy our cards they are better - doesn't matter if they are more expensive and their double precision is S#&$. :|


I hope PS4 and SexBox NSA 1 will force developers to make advancements into Mantle (if it actually works)

Edited by CyklonDX
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it was probably actually running on PC and it was all a lie. What can I say... PC master race i guess?

They've showed this on E3 

it looked wonderful and had PhysX on.

PhysX works on PS4, nvidia sat down with sony and developers to get it working on amd apu.

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