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Grineer Cannon: The Ogris' Big Brother


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http://imgur.com/xxYCbZx (won't let me post IMGUR as direct image :c )


Name: i'm bad at names 

Weapon type: Cannon/ Primary weapon

Damage (base): Puncture:- Slash:- Impact:100 Blast: 300-600(Higher maybe?)

Clip Size: 1

Max Ammo Capacity:72

Ammo type: Specialty (sniper)

Reload speed:5-8 Secs

Fire rate: 1.0

Blast damage AoE range: 15m

Must be zoomed in to fire. Immobile while firing. Large AoE blast Damage and self harm if fired too close.User is knocked down if fired in the air. (like when a heavy grineer uses its ground slam)


I would really like to see this added to the game and given to the grineer. I would also like to see the Tenno be able to use a truly heavy weapon. The Ogris is nice but it's just too small and doesn't feel like a heavy weapon.


Thoughts on this?

Edited by Oweyan
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Too high reload for a 1 shot weapon (consider it would also benefit from primed/charged chamber this way)


I'd suggest 4 seconds cool down and a 4-6 rounds magazine OR a charge mechanic

all the stats are just for show and could be changed.

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