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Zurvan - Time Bender Warframe [W/ Art]


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tis here is a difficult to obtain and powerful time manipulation themed frame, he's prime-only, his powers let him kill stuff and slow stuff down and speed himself up and do some weird things.

Hey. First time posting a Warframe concept.

Zurvan makes use of experimental time manipulation tecnology at his disposal. As flawed and unrefined as it is, it can be devastating under right circumstances.

To date, only prototypes of this Warframe have been discovered.


Concept art:

Is a speed-paint I suddenly made and decided to make a warframe concept out of. Not an eye-candy, sorry.


Casting his ultimate, maybe?

If there's much demand and lots of free time at hand, I'll do him in 3D and put a beauty render along with some clay t-poses instead of this S#&$ty draft. Only if



Is difficult by design, to follow the lore of an unfinished, forever work-in-progress Warframe.

As it was never finished by the Orokin and only recently re-discovered by Tenno, no "regular" counterparts exist. Zurvan is Prime-only Warframe.


Component blueprints along with the main blueprint drop from Orokin Derelict (<1.5% average) and T3 Orokin Void (2.5%-5% average) missions.
Each component requires double quantities of resources, and an Orokin cell. 
Construction requires 100k credits and five Orokin cells. (perhaps a Forma, too?)
*If one of components or the main blueprint has dropped, a dice will be rolled again to choose a "prototype revision". There are three revisions available. To construct the warframe, you would need a full set of same revision. Prototypes only differ in resource requirements, as in, warframes built from different prototype revisions are identical to each other.(weird idea, I know)

Still not sure about the numbers here.


Health 75 (225 at rank 30)
Power 100 (150 at rank 30)
Armor 50
Shield Capacity 100 (300 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed 1.1
Stamina 80

Comes with a "-" Aura polarity, one "-" and two "V" mod polarities.



(Note that I'm no expert on gameplay stuff. Numbers are subject to change. The nature of his abilities are, however, most likely not. Due to complexities in his acquisition and relatively low base stats, his abilities must be powerful. Suggestions, as long as they follow said principle, are welcome.)


1.Time theft. Zurvan fast-forwards his victim's existence, causing alloys to corrode and flesh to rot.
-Costs 25 energy to use.
-Slows the target by 50%, affected by Power mods.
-Takes away 20%/30%/40%/50% (affected by Power mods), but no more than 90%* of victim's max HP over the duration of 2/3/4/5 seconds.
*Drain stops at the 10% mark, but it doesn't cause the effect to cease.
-Armor is also reduced by 40%/50%/60%/70% in the same manner as the HP.
-Shields are unaffected.
-After the effect "ceases", all HP taken away by the effect is given back. (i.e. damage from other sources will not be compensated)
-If the target dies during the duration, it will not be ressurected.

**This is intended to be a focus ability, and used for a variety of situations on all difficulty levels, such as a need to slow down a charging Ancient or tear apart those high-level heavies with concentrated fire.


1.a.Distort. Places a temporal anomaly which speeds up the decay of everything inside it.
-Costs 25 energy to use.
-Covers the radius of 2/3/4/5 in-game meters.
-Enemies inside the sphere are slowed down by 20%/30%/40%/50%.
-Over 1 second, deals 4%/6%/8%/10% of victim's max HP as pure damage*. The damage is dealt per second and goes directly to health, ignoring shields.
*Pure damage is dealt at a 1.0 ratio to all enemies regardless of their armor type.
-Armor is reduced by 40%/50%/60%/70%.

-Any and all damage dealt by this ability is not given back, as opposed to Time theft.
-The field lasts for 5/6/8/9 seconds.

2.Rewind. At the snap of his fingers, Zurvan blinks away 5 seconds back in time.
-Costs 50 energy to use.
-Zurvan returns to his position as of 5 seconds before the cast.
-HP, shields, stamina, status effects and ammo supplies are restored to those as of 5 seconds before the cast.
-Also affects Sentinels position, HP, sheilds, ammo, statuses and revive charges. If the Sentinel is dead, it will not be ressurected.
-Does not affect collected loot, energy, revive charges and gained EXP.
-If the caster was in a downed state 5 seconds ago, he would return to this state upon cast, with remaining time preserved. As in, the bleeding wouldn't start all over, instead, it will resume from the last mark. Use with caution and keep track of time.
-Has a 5 second cooldown.
-Fusion rank only affects cast animation speed.

**Escape ability, also replenishes your ammo (extremely useful for automatic weapons like Soma or Supra). Using it carelessly can and will punish you.

3.Temporal shift. A temporal anomaly envelopes Zurvan, speeding him up in all aspects.
-Costs 75 energy to use.
-Affects movement speed, fire and attack rate, reload time, melee swing speed, melee charge time, animation speed, projectile speed, regeneration effects, DoT rate (on self) and bleeding speed (dies faster when downed).
-Bonus is 50%/70%/90%/110%.
-Duration is 7 seconds.
-Not affected by any mods except Efficiency.


**Another escape ability. Again, careless use will punish you with, say, double damage from enemy DoTs.

3.a.Temporal blast. Zurvan sends forth a conical wave of energy, near freezing everything before him.
-Slow lasts 6/7/8/9 seconds.
-Slows by 50%/60%/70%/80%

-This effect does not stack with several consequent blasts. However, each blast resets the timer.
-This effect also slows down any enemy-owned projectiles in the range. As in, grenades and rockets almost freeze in air, while energetic projectiles travel as fast as Napalm's projectile
-Costs 75 energy to use.
-At maximum rank, it would travel as long as Synapse's beam does.

4.Dimensional rift. Zurvan opens a portal, summoning his other selves from parallel dimensions.
-Each clone copies your stats and weaponry. Sentinels are not included.
-Their AI is almost on par with the Stalker's. However, they prioritize targets based on distance from the original Zurvan. Next comes anyone close to the player's crosshair.
-Clones use abilities of their own, one ability for each clone. These include:
*Timewalk. Clone dashes towards the target much like Excalibur. Deals less damage, but also slows the victims down.

*Stasis. Completely immobilizes the enemy. Abosrbs all incoming damage. After absorbing a total of 1000 damage or lasting for more than 10 seconds, it explodes, dealing double the absorbed damage to everyone in a moderate AoE, including the original victim.

*Temporal wave. Clone, in a manner similar to Frost, sends forth a wave which bumps people in the air and near freezes them much like Rhino Stomp does. While in the air, enemies are stripped of any armor.

*Black hole. A slow flying projectile traveling in a straight line. It deals damage based on amount of damage absorbed, multiplied by two. As it grows in power, it starts to suck in nearby enemies and carry them with it. Explodes only upon hitting a surface or flying for more than 10 seconds.

-Creates 2 (1/2/3/4???) clones. Abilities are given randomly. No duplicates can occur.
*Each clone is also given a Teleport ability, which they use to get back to the original Zurvan in case they get lost too far behind.

-Each ability listed above consumes roughly 50 energy.
-Each clone starts with your current* energy supply.
*The energy supply you had before casting the ability.

-Clones last 10/20/30/40 seconds.
-When no enemies are around, clones follow you.

**This one is very complicated in terms of both gameplay and implementation, so instead I might suggest this:

4.a. Time stopper. In one quick gesture, Zurvan hinders the flow of time.

-Slows the environment by 50%/60%/70%/80%.
-Slows down Sabotage, Mobile defense and Nightmare Mission timers and Survival life support drain.
-Converts enemies' hitscans to projectiles, allowing you to dodge bullets.

-Fellow Tenno, including Zurvan himself, are unaffected - they still run around, fire and do stuff with the same speed.
-Lasts for 5/7/9/11 seconds.

-Costs 100 energy

-If cast again before it expires, the slow effect will not stack, but the timer will reset.



**I'm still unsure about the ultimate, there's something I don't like in both variants I described.




The concept is WIP and kinda rough. IMO, acquisition shouldn't be as grind-intensive, yet still difficult and expensive - perhaps a new Orokin Void/Derelict mission type or an Orokin Void boss? Anything "high-level", whatever.

Abilities should be less noob-friendly. However, I'm exhausted for today and no sane ideas are coming from my head anymore. (Dimensional rift is not considered a "sane idea", by the way)

What I'm going for is hardly obtainable, end-game Warframe with unorthodox ability set. As said before, suggestions are welcome, as long as they follow the principles I outlined.


Anyway, thanks for checking this thread out. Cheers.


P.S.I also don't know if a similar idea has been posted before. If so... well.. yeah, sorry.

P.P.S. I'm not very good with English.

Edited by Artarrwen
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Most of these powers sound like they were taken from an existing time-controller Warframe. Chronos, I think his name was. I actually remember suggesting a fix for the "rewind" power that would have made it work in-game without the game having to constantly track and record the Frame's movements.

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Most of these powers sound like they were taken from an existing time-controller Warframe. Chronos, I think his name was.

Last time I checked, there was no existing time-controlling Warframe. A fan concept - maybe, but as I said, I did not browse through the entire forum looking for a similar concept and moreover I did not take any ideas from others. Them being considered and suggested by other people is a completely different story aka coincidence.

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