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The Currently Latest Thougts About Volt


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Hey, it's me again.
I just dyed my volt like tron again and thougt "hey, you know what, volt could really use some more tronstuff."

so here are my thougts:

first ability (not tron related): make it more of a stun than a damage ability, more chaining, more stunning, less damage.

second one (reeeeeaaaly tron related): combine speed and shield.
      Take the trail you leave as an unpassable shield with all it's initial properties.
      Modified by skilllevel and powerrange, the trail could trap enemys by running around them, block doorways, or
      protect a cryopod.

third one(a little tronny): Create a little drone that circles around your head and zapps enemys that come to close
       (and looks like the bit thingy)

fourth one styays like it was.

Only small concepts, but still interesting I think.
or at least I hope^^


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